Psalm 29 A Psalm of David

NIV* A psalm of David
1 Ascribe to the LORD, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the LORD glory and strenth.
1NIV* Ascribe to the LORD, uou heavenly beings, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
*Majestat Boga wśrod burzy
1 Pslam. Dawidowy. Przyznajcie Panu, synowie Boży, przyznajcie Panu chwałę i potęgę!
28 Pslamus David, in consummatione tabernaculi. Afferte Domino, filii Dei, afferte Domino filios artetum.
A Pslam of David
29*DARBY* Give unto Jehovah, ye sons of the mighty ones, give unto Jehovah glory and strenth;

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Save the people, and bless thine inheritance; and feed them, and lift them up for ever.

{2023-01-10- I oredered Ai create please create to me one digital picture about fragment of Holly Bible in fine this ask – to this pictures add „mathematic version” in style cornelus Escher and add motives with antworks Arnold Bokin and add motives from „Also Spracht Zaratustra” from Nietzsche’s book and add motives from „kiss” Gustav Klimt – this is this fragment: ” Save the people, and bless thine inheritance; and feed them, and lift them up for ever ….”

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Save the people, and bless thine inheritance; and feed them, and lift them up for ever.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Save the people, and bless thine inheritance; and feed them, and lift them up for ever.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Save the people, and bless thine inheritance; and feed them, and lift them up for ever.

2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; wirship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

2NIV* Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
2BT* Przyznajcie Panu chwałę Jego imienia, na świętym dziedzińcu uwielbiajcie Pana!
2V* Afferte Domino gloriam et honorem; afferte Domn gloriam nomini ejus; adorate Dominum in atrio sancto ejus.
2DARBY* Give unto Jehovah the glory of his name; worship Jehovah in holy splendor.

Wednesday: The Beauty of Holiness | Sabbath School Net
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Give unto Jehovah the glory of his name; worship Jehovah in holy splendor.

3 The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, tve LORD thundes over the mighty waters.

3NIV* The voice of the LORD is over the waters;

the God of glory thunders,

the LORD thunders over the mighty waters.
3BT* Głos Pański ponad wodami, zagrzmiał Bóg majestatu: Pan ponad wodami niezmieroznymi!
3DARBY* Vox DOmini super aquas; Deus majestatis intronuit: Dominus super aquas multas.
3DARBY* The voice of Jehovah is upon the waters: teh God of glory thunderth, -Jehovah upon great waters.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Give unto Jehovah the glory of his name; worship Jehovah in holy splendor.

4 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD vreaks the cedars; the LORF breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.

Psalm 29 – Praise The Lord For His Glory And Strength

4NIV* The voice of the LORD is powerful;

the voice of the LORD is majestic.
4BT* Głos Pana pełen potęgi! Głos Pana pelen dostojeństwa!
4V* Vox Domini in virtute; vox Domini in magnificentia.
4DARBY* The voice of Jehovah is powerful; the voice of Jehovah is full of majestaty.

3. Yahweh, I AM, the Eternal God (´El `Olam) -- Names and Titles of God

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: The voice of Jehovah is powerful; the voice of Jehovah is full of majesty.

5(2018*) The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
5NIV* The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
5BT* Głos Pana łamie cedry, Pan łamie cedry Libanu,
5V* Vox Domini confrigentis cedros, et confringet Dominus cedros Libani:
5DARBY* The voice of Jehovah breaketh cedars; yea, Jehovah breaketh the cedars of Lebanon:

Plik:Csontváry Kosztka, Tivadar - Pielgrzymka do Cedrów Libanu - Google Art Project.jpg
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: The voice of Jehovah breaketh cedars; yea, Jehovah breaketh the cedars of Lebanon.

6 He makes Lebanon leap like a calf, Siron like a young wild ox.

6NIV* He makes Lebanon leap like calf,

Siron like a young wild ox.
6BT* sprawia, że Liban skacze niby cielec i Sirion niby młody bawół.
6V* et comminuet eas, tamquam vitulum Libani, et dilectus quemodnmiodum filuiys iniconium.
6DARBY* And he maketh them to skip like a calf, Lebanon and Siron like a young buffalo.

7 The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lighting.
7NIV* The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightining.
7BT* Głos Pana rozsiewa ogniste strzały,
7V* Vox Domini intercidentis flammam ignis;
7DARBY* The voice of Jehovah claveth out flames of fire.

8 The voice of the LORD shakes the desert; the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh.
8NIV* The voice od the LORD shakes the desert; the LORD shakes the Desert od Kadesh.
8BT* głos Pana wstrząsa pustynią, Pan wstrząsa pustynią Kadesz.
8V* vox Domini concutientis desertum: et commovebit Dominus desertum Cades.
8V* The voice of Jehovah shaketh the wilderness; Jehovah shaketh the wilderness of Kadsh.
8DARBY* The voice of Jehovah maketh the hinds to calve, and layeth bare the forests; and in his temple doth every one say, Glory!

The Israelites passing through the Wilderness, preceded by the Pillar of  Light Art Print by William West - Fine Art America

The Golden Staircase by Libraries of Hope - Issuu

9 The voice of the LORD twists tbe oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, „Glory!” 9NIV* The voice od the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, „Glory!”
9BT* Glos Pana zgina dęby, ogalaca lasy: a w Jego pałacu wszystko woła: <<Chwała!>>
9V* Vox Domini praeparantis cervos: et revelabit condensa, et in templo ejus omnes dicent gloriam.
9DARBY* The voice of Jehovah maketh the hinds to calve, and layeth bare the forestst; and in his temple doth every one say, Glory!

10 The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever.
10NIV* The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever.
10BT* Pan zasiadł [na tronie] nad potopem i Pan zasiada jako Król na wieki.
10V* Dominus diluvium inhabitare facit, et sedebit Dominus rex in aeternum.
10DARBY* Jehovah sitteth upon the flood; yea, Jehovah sitteth as king for ever.

Babalon the Great as depicted by Jehovah's Witnesses is one of my favorite  visuals : r/thelema

11 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD bless his people with peace.
11NIV* The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
11BT* Niech Pan udzieli mocy swojemu ludowi, niech Pan błogosławi swój lud, darząc go pokojem.
11V* Dominus virtutem populo suo dabit; Dominus benedicet populo suo in pace.
11DARBY* Jehovah will give strength unto his people; Jehovah will bless his people with peace.

Saint Luke, the Artist - Word on Fire

Psalm 30

A psalm. A song. For the dedication of the temple. Of David.

NIV* A psalm. A song. For the dedication of the temple. Of David:
1 I will exalt you, LORD, for you lufted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me. 1NIV* I will exalt you, LORD, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.
PSALM 30(29)
Podzięka za wybawienie do śmierci
1BT* Pslam. Pieśń na uroczystość poświęcenia świątyni. Dawiodwy.
29*Psalmus cntici, in dedicatione domus David.
A Psalm of David: dedication-song of the house.
30* I will extol thee, Jehovah; for thou hast delivered me, and hast not made mine enemies to rejoice over me.
2BT* Wysławiam Ciebie, Panie, boś mnie wybawił i nie uradowałeś mych wrogów z mojego powodu.

The Book of Psalms (Book I, 1-40) – Classical Liberal Arts Academy
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: And he maketh them to skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young buffalo.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: And he maketh them to skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young buffalo.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: And he maketh them to skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young buffalo.

2 LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.

2NIV* LORD my God, I called to you for help,

and you healed me.
2BT* Wysławiam Ciebie, Panie, boś mnie wybawił i nie uradowaleś mych wrogów z mojego powodu.
2V* Exaltabo te, Domine, quoniam suscepisti me, nec delectasti inimicos meos super me.
2DARBY* Jehovah my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.
3BT* Panie, mój Boże, do Ciebie wołałem, a Tyś mnie uzdrowił.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Jehovah my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.
Moristotle & Co.: Thunder Down Under: Disappearing boat reappears

3 You, LORD, brought me up from the realm of the dead; you spread me from going down to the pit. 3NIV* You, LORD, brought me up from the realm of the dead; you spared me from going down to the pit.
3BT* Panie, mój Boże, do Ciebie wołalem, a Tyś mnie uzdrowił.
3V* Domine Deus meus, clamavi ad te, et sanasti me.
4V* Domine, eduxisti ab inferno animam meam; salvasti me a descendentibus in lacum.
3DARBY* Jehovah, thou hast brought up my soul from Sheol, thou hast quicked me from among those that go down to the pit.
4BT* Pani, dobyleś mnie z Szeolu, przywróciłeś mnie do życia spośród schodzących do grobu.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Jehovah, thou hast brought up my soul from Sheol, thou hast  quicked me from among those that go down to the pit.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Jehovah, thou hast brought up my soul from Sheol, thou hast  quicked me from among those that go down to the pit.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Jehovah, thou hast brought up my soul from Sheol, thou hast  quicked me from among those that go down to the pit.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Jehovah, thou hast brought up my soul from Sheol, thou hast  quicked me from among those that go down to the pit.

4 Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people; praise his holy name.
4NIV* Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people; praise his holy name.
5BT* Śpiewajcie Panu pslam wy, co Go miłujecie, wychwalajcie pamiątkę Jego świętości!
5V* Psalite Domino, sancti ejus; et confitemini memoriae sanctitis ejus.
(4BT* Panie, dobyłeś mnie z Szeolu, przywrócileś mnie do życia spośród schodzących do grobu. )
4DARBY* Sing psalms unto Jehovah, ye saints of his, and give thanks in remembrance of his holiness.

Jesus Christ's Rapture and Second Coming mp3 Transforming Sermons Gospel  Songs in Audio mp4 Video Text Articles Prayers Prophesy Inspirations  Rapture Truths and FAQs English Tamil Hindi Malayalam

5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
5NIV* For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favoe lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
6BT* Gniew Jego bowiem trwa tylko przez chwilę, a Jego laskawość – przez całe życie. Płacz nadchodzi z wieczora, a rankiem okrzyk radości.
6V* Quoniam ira in indigantione ejus, et vita in voluntate ejus: ad vesperum demorabitur fletus, et ad matutionum laetitia.
5DARBY* For a moment [is passed] in his anger, a life in his favour; at even weeping cometh for the night, and at morn there is rejoicing.

Francisco Goya & The French Revolution: The Black Paintings | by Walker  Burgin | Medium

6 When I felt secure, I said, „I will never be shaken.”
6NIV* When I felt secure, I said, „I will never be shaken.”
7BT* A ja powiedzialem pewny siebie: <<Nigdy się nie zachwieję>>.
7V* Ego autem dixi in abundantia mea: Non movebor in aeternum.
6DARB* As for me, I said in my prosperity, I shall never be moved.

The Otherworldly Art of William Blake - Eternalised

7 LORD, when you favored me, youbmade myvroyal mountain srand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed.

7NIV* LORD, when you favored me, you made my royal mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed:
8BT* Z łaski Twojej, Panie, uczynileś mnie niezdobytą górą, a gdy ukryłeś swe oblicze, ogarnęła mnie trwoga.
8V* Domine, in voluntate tua praestitisti decori meo virtutem; averisti faciem tuam a me, et factus sum conturbatus.
7DARBY* Jehovah, by thy favour thou hadst made my mountain to stand strong: thou didst hide thy face; I was troubled.

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog - Wikipedia

8 To you, LORD, I called; to the Lord I cried for mercy:
8NIV* To you, LORD, I called; to the Lord I cried for mercy:
9BT* Wołam do Ciebie, Panie, blagam Boga mego o miłosierdzie:
9V* Ad te, Domine, clamabo, et ad Deum meum deprecabor.
8DARBY* I called to thee, Jehovah, and unto the LORD did I make supplication:

Michelangelo Art, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory

9 „What is gained if I am silenced, if I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it proclaim your faithfulness?
9NIV* „What is gained if I am silienced, if I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it proclaim your faithfulness?
10BT* <<Jaki będzie pożytek z krwi mojej, z mojego zejścia do grobu?
10V* Quae utilitas in sanguine meo, dum descendo in corruptionem? numquid confitebitur tibi pulvis, aut annuantiabit veritatem tuam?
9DARBY* What profit is there in my blood, in my going down to the pit? shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth?

Joe Chiappetta Art • Comics • Books: Bible Math

10 Hear, LORD, and be merciful to me; LORD, be my help.”

10NIV* Hear, LORD, and be merciful to me; LORD, be my help.”
11BT* Wysłuchaj, Panie, zmiłuj się nade mną; bądź, Panie, dla mnie wspomożycielem!>>
11V* Audivit Dominus, et misertus est mei; Dominus factus est adjutor meus.
(10DRA* Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am afflicted: my eyes is troubled with wrath, my soul, and my belly: )
11DRA* The LORD hath heard, and hath had mercy on me: the Lord became my helper.

Psalm 86. Praying in the Day of Trouble (an exposition)

11 You turned me wailing into dancing; you removed ny sackcloth and clothed me with joy,

11NIV* You turnet my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
12BT* Biadania moje zamieniłeś mi w taniec; wór mi rozwiązałeś, opasaleś mnie radością,
12V* Convertisi planctum meum in gaudium mihi; conscidisi saccum meum, et circumdedisti me laetitia:
12DRA* Thou hast turned for me my mourning into joy: thou hast cut my sackloth, and hast compassed me with gladness:

artwork #NFT - art but shit kind | OpenSea

12 that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever.

12NIV* that my heart may sing your praises and not be silient. LORD my God, I will praise you forever.
13BT* by moje serce nie milknąc pslam Tobie śpiewało. Boże mój, Panie, będę Cię wysławiał na wieki.
13V* ut cantet tibi gloria mea, et non compungar. Domine Deus meus, in aeternum confitebor tibi.
13DRA* To the end that my glory may sing to thee, and I may not regret: O Lord my God, I will give praise to thee for ever.

interfaith dialogue – Art & Theology

Psalm 31

For the director of music. A psalm of David

NIV* For the director of music. A pslam of David.

1 In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness.

1NIV* In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your rigteousness.
PSALM 31(30)
Blaganie w ucisku i dziękczynienie
1BT* Kierownikowi chóru. Psalm. Dawidowy.
30*V* In finem. Psalmus David, pro extasi.
2DRA* In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in thy justice.

O Lord, in Thee Have I trusted, Never Let Me Be Confounded - YouTube

30* Unto the end, a pslam for David, in an ecstasy.

All Times Through Paradise: Hanging with Saint Cecilia - Music - The Austin  Chronicle

2BT* Panie, do Ciebie się uciekam, niech nigdy nie doznam zawodu; wybaw mnie w Twojej sprawiedliwości!

2 Turn you ear to me, come quickly to myvrescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.

2NIV* Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.
3BT* Skłoń ku mnie ucho, pośpiesz, aby mnie ocalić. Bądź dla mnie skałą mocną.
2V* In te, Domine, speravi; non confundar in aeternum: in justitia tua libera me.
3DRA* Down down thy ear to me: make haste to deliver me. Be thou unto me a God, a protector, and a house of refuge, to save me.


(2DRA* In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in thy justice. )

December 2017 – Luisa Piccarreta

3 Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. 3NIV* Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.

And Wilt Thou Leave Me Thus | Pundoles
And Wilt Thou Leave Me Thus | Pundoles
{2024-01-12 Obecny obraz został wystawiony na wystawie Bombay Art Society w grudniu 1961 roku, dorocznej wystawie odbywającej się w Sir Cowasji Jehangir Hall. Sabavala spędził koniec poprzedniej dekady, przechodząc od „malarstwa jako pretekstu do przygody do malarstwa jako miejsca objawienia”. (tamże, s. 84)

Tytuł obecnego obrazu, And Wilt Thou Leave Me Thus, dokładnie odpowiada początkowemu wersowi wiersza Sir Thomasa Wyatta, słynnego angielskiego poety piszącego na dworze króla Henryka VIII. Dla wielu badaczy złożony charakter poety lepiej niż jakikolwiek inny odsłania zawiłości ówczesnej polityki dworu brytyjskiego. Wyatt był równie biegły w dyplomacji, jak i w pojedynkach i poezji. Był powszechnie podziwiany i zazdrosny przez współczesnych, ale został uwięziony, a następnie zwolniony. Najgłośniej oskarżano go o cudzołóstwo z Anną Boleyn, drugą żoną króla, ale nawet wtedy odzyskał łaskę króla.

Sam wiersz napisany jest z perspektywy roztrzęsionego kochanka. Mężczyzna prosi kochankę, by go nie opuszczała, powtarzając słowa tytułu obrazu w pierwszej linijce każdego wersu. Poeta przypomina kochankowi, że związki na dworze są sprawami publicznymi i mogą zaszkodzić zarówno jego, jak i jej reputacji. W każdym z czterech zestawów jego prośby stają się coraz bardziej udręczone, aż do ostatniego wersetu, w którym uznaje, że jego prośby są daremne. Obraz zdaje się przedstawiać ten ostatni moment udręki, w którym z sercem przebitym strzałą nad pochyloną głową stoi roztrzęsiony kochanek, milczący świadek kochanka w czułym uścisku innego mężczyzny.

czy chcesz mnie
tak opuścić I nie litować
się już nad tym, który cię miłuje?
H̩elas, twoje okrucieństwo!
I chcesz mnie tak zostawić?
Powiedz nie, powiedz nie!

– Sir Thomas Wyatt

Wiele obrazów namalowanych przez Sabavalę pod koniec lat pięćdziesiątych XX wieku zawierało motywy chrześcijańskie, których kompozycje naśladowały strukturę witraży religijnych. Intrygujące jest to, że w przypadku tego obrazu o miłości i zdradzie Sabavala nadal traktuje strukturę obrazu w ten sam sposób. Być może artysta chciał przenieść na swoich kochanków winę, tak często przedstawianą przez innych artystów w zdradzie Jezusa przez jego uczniów, dodając do tego portretu męki miłości duchową warstwę.
Kolorystyka oryginału jest podobna, ale odcienie skóry postaci kobiecej wydają się nieco jaśniejsze niż na ilustracji katalogowej. Obraz został niedawno oczyszczony, skonsolidowany i polakierowany. Rozproszone plamy konsolidacji i retuszu na całym obrazie, zwłaszcza w obrębie błękitnych, fioletowych i białych pigmentów, są widoczne w świetle UV, a dalsze obszary retuszu widoczne są w brązach otaczających dwie postacie po prawej stronie. Drobne spękania pozostają widoczne w czarnych partiach dzieła. Stan ogólnie dobry. — za

4BT* Ty bowiem jestś dla mie skałą i twierdzą; przez wzgląd na imię Twoje kieruj mną i prowadź mnie!
4V* quoniam fortitudo mea et refugium meum s tu; et propter nomen tuum deduce me rt enutries me.
4DRA* For thou art my strength and my refuge; and for thy name’s sake thou wilt lead me, and nourish me.

(3BT* Skłoń ku mnie ucho, pośpiesz, aby mnie ocalić. Bądź dla mnie skałą mocną, warownią, aby mnie ocalić. )
(3V* Inclina ad me aurem tuam; accelera ut eruas me. Esto mihi in Deum protectorem, et in dominum refugii, ut salvum me facias: )
3DRA* Bow down thy ear to me: make haste to deliver me. Be thou unto me a God, a protector, and a house of refuge, to save me.


4 Keep me free from the trqp that is set for me, for you are my refuge.
4NIV* Keep me free from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge.
5BT* Wydobądź mnie z sieci zastawionej na mnie, bo Ty jesteś moją ucieczką.
5V* Educes me de laqueo hoc quem absconderunt mihi, quoniam tu es protector meus.
5DRA* Thou wilt bring me out of this snare, which they have hidden for me: for thou art my protector.

The Book of Job – Classical Liberal Arts Academy

4BT* Ty bowiem jesteś dla mnie skałą i twierdzą; przez wzgląd na imię Twoje kieruj mną i prowadź mnie!
4V* quoniam fortitudo mea et refugium meum es tu; et propter nomen tuum deduces me et enutries me.
4DRA* For thou art my strength and my refuge; and for thy name’s sake wilt lead me, and nourish me.

Oremus for Sunday, August 29, 2021 – Oremus
Threshold - Rich Brimer — a contemporary oil painter

5 Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, LORD, my faithful God.
5NIV* Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, LORD, my faithful God.
6BT* W ręce Twoje powierzam ducha mojego: Ty mnie wybawiłeś, Pani, Boże wierny!
6V* In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum; redemisti me, Domine Deus veriatis.
6*Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition* Into thy hands I commend my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth.
5*Easy-to-Read version* LORD, you are the God we can trust. I put my life in your hands. Save me!

Threshold - Rich Brimer — a contemporary oil painter
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Into thy hands I commend my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth.

5BT* Wydobądź mnie z sieci zastawionej na mnie, bo Ty jesteś moją ucieczką.

Threshold - Rich Brimer — a contemporary oil painter

6 I hate those whoncling to worthless idols; as for me, I trust in the LORD.
6NIV* I hate those who cling to worthless idols; as for me, I trust in the LORD.
7BT* Nienawidzisz tych, którzy czczą marne bóstwa, ja natomiast pokladam ufność w Panu.
7V* Odisti observantes vanitates supervacue; ego autem in Domino speravi.
6ERV* I hate those who worship false gods. I trust only in the LORD.

Idolatry Is Rampant In The Philippines | There Is No Other Name
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: I hate those who worship false gods. I trust only in the Lord.

7 I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.
7NIV* I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.
8BT* Weselę się i cieszę z twojej łaski, boś wejrzał na moją nędzę, i uznałeś udręki mej duszy
8V* Exsultabo, et laetabor in misericordia tua, quoniam respexisti humilitatem meam; slavasti de necessitatibus animam meam.
7ERV* Your kindness makes me so happy. You have seen my suffering. You know about the troubles I have.

Może być grafiką pop art przedstawiającą 1 osoba

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Your kindness makes me so happy. You have seen my suffering. You know about the troubles I have.

8 You have not given me into the hands of the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place.
8NIV* You have not given me into the hands of the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place.
8 You have notvgiven me into the hands of the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place.
9BT* i nie oddaleś mnie w ręce nieprzyjaciela, postawileś me stopy na miejscu przestronnym.
9V* Nec conclusisti me in manibus inimic: statuisti in loco spatioso pedes meos.
8ERV* You will not let my enemies take me. You will free me from their traps.

The Art of Propaganda: Painting the New Deal
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: You will not let my enemies take me. You will free me from their traps.

9 Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am in distress, my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief.
9NIV* Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief.
10BT* Zmiłuj się nade mną, Panie, bo jestem w ucisku, od smutku slabnie me oko, a także moja siła i wnętrzności.
10V* Miserere mei, Domine, quoniam tribulor; conturatus est in ira oculis meus, anima mea, et venter meus.
9ERV* LORD, I have many troubles, so be kind to me. I have cried until my eyes hurt. My throat and stomach are aching.


10 My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning; my strength fail because of my affliction, and my bones grow weak.
10NIV* My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning; my strength fails because of my affliction?
11BT* Bo zgryzota trawi me życie, a wzdychanie – moje lata. Siłę moją zachwaił ucisk i kości moje osłabły.
11V* Quoniam deficit in dolore vita mea, et anni mei in gemitibus. Infirmata est in paupertate virtus mea, et ossa mea contrurbata sunt.
10ERV* Because of my sin, my life is ending in grief, my years are passing away in sights of pain. My life is ending in wekness, My strength is draining away.

How to Study Paintings by Libraries of Hope - Issuu

and my bones grow weak.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: LORD, I have many troubles, so be kind to me. I have cried until my eyes hurt. My throat and stomach are aching.

11 Because of all my enemies, I am the utter contempt of my neighbors and an object of dread to my closest friends- those who see me on the street flee from me.

11NIV* Because of all my enemies, I am the utter contempt of my neighbours and an object of dead to my closest friends- those who see me on the street flee from me.

12BT* Stalem się znakiem hańby dla wszystkich mych wrogów, dla moich sąsiadów przedmiotem odrazy, dla moich znajomych – postrachem; kto mnie ujrzy na ulicy, ucieka ode mnie.
(11BT* Bo zgryzota trawi me życie, a wzdychanie – moje lata. Siłę moją zachwiał ucisk i kości moje osłabły. )
12V* Super omnes inimicos meos factus sum opprobrium, et vicinis meis valde, et timor notis meis; qui videbant me foras fugerunt a me.
11ERV****** My enemies despise me, and even my neighbors have turned away. When my friends see me in the street, they turn the other way.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Because of my sin, my life is ending in grief; my years are passing away in sighs of pain. My life is ending in weakness. My strength is draining away.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Because of my sin, my life is ending in grief; my years are passing away in sighs of pain. My life is ending in weakness. My strength is draining away.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Because of my sin, my life is ending in grief; my years are passing away in sighs of pain. My life is ending in weakness. My strength is draining away.
2021 SXSW Film Festival Full Lineup Announced for SXSW Online

12 I am forgotten as though I were dead; I have become like broken pottery.
12NIV* I am forgotten as though I were dead; I have become like broken pottery.
13BT* Zapomniano w sercach o mnie jak o zmarłym: stalem się jak sprzęt wyrzucony.
13V* Oblivioni datus sum, tamquam mortuus a corde; factus sum tamquam vas perditum:
12ERV* People want to forget me like someone already dead, thrown away like a broken dish.

Digital Collections | Special Collections Blog

13BT* Zapomniano w sercach o mnie jak o zmarłym: stalem się jak sprzęt wyrzucony.

13 For I hear many whispering, „Terror on every side!” They conspire against me and plot to take my life.

13NIV* For I hear many whispering, “Terror on every side!” They conspire against me and plot to take my life.
14BT* Słyszę bowiem złorzeczenia wielu: <<Trwoga dokoła>>, gdy przeciw mnie się zbierają, zamyślają odebrać mi życie.
14V* quoniam audivi vituperationem multorum commorantium in circuit. In eo dum convenirent simul adversum me, accipere animam meam cosiliti sunt.
13ERV* I hear them whispering about me. They have turned against me and plan to kill me.

Gigantyczna ściana LED Refika Anadola.
Gigantyczna ściana LED Refika Anadola.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt, but man does not look like Jesus and add elements from artworks by Marc Chagall. The fragment is: I hear them whispering about me. They have turned against me and plan to kill me.

(13BT* Zapomniano w sercach o mnie jak o zmarłym: stalem się jak sprzęt wyrzucony.
14 But I trust in you LORD; I say, „You are my God.”
14NIV* But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.”
15BT* Ja zaś pokładam ufność w Tobie, Panie, mówię: <<Ty jesteś moim Bogiem>>.
15V* Ego autem in te speravi, Domine; dixi: Deus meus es tu;
14ERV* LORD, I trust in you. You are my God.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt, but man does not look like Jesus and add elements from artworks by Marc Chagall. The fragment is: LORD, I trust in you. You are my God.

15 My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me.

15NIV* My times are in your hands;

deliver me from the hands of my enemies,

from those who pursue me.
16BT* W Twym ręku są moje losy: wyrwij mnie
z ręki mych wrogów i prześladowców!
16V* in manibus tuis sores meae: eripe me de manu inimicorum meorun, et persequentibus me.
15ERV* My life is in your hands. Save me from those who are persecuting me.

This Famous Israeli Artist Is Painting the Nazis Out of Hitler's Manifesto  - Life & Culture -

16 Let your face shine on your servant; save me in yoir unfailing love.
16NIV* Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love.
17BT* NIechaj zajaśnieje Twoje oblicze nad Twym sługą: wybaw mnie w swej łaskawości!
17V* Illustra faciem tuam super serveum tuum; salvum me fac in miserciordia tua.
16ERV* Please welcome and accept your servant. Be kind to me and save me.

The Real Opera Ghost - Phantom's Theater
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt, but man does not look like Jesus and add elements from artworks by Marc Chagall. The fragment is: Please welcome and accept your servant. Be kind to me and save me.

17 Let me not be put to shame, LORD, for I have cried out to you; but let the wicked be put to shame and be silient in the realm of the dead.
17NIV* Let me not be put to shame, LORD, for you have cried out to you; but let the wicked be put to shame and be silent in the realm of the dead.
18BT* Panie, niech nie doznam zawodu, skoro Cię wzywam; niech się zawiodą występni, niech zamilkną w Szeolu!
18V* Domine, non confundar, quoniam invicavi te. Erubescant impii, et deducantur in interfernum;
17ERV* LORD, I am praying to you. Don’t let me be disappointed. The wicked are the ones who should be disappointed. Let them go to the grave in silience.

Category: Mannerism - ART IN POLAND

18BT * Panie, nich nie doznam zawodu, skoro Cię wzywam; niech się zawiodą występni, niech zamilkną w Szeolu!

18 Let their lying lips be silienced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.

18NIV* Let their lying lips be silenced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.
19BT* Niech zaniemówią wargi kłamliwe, co zuchwale wygadują na sprawiedliwego z pychą i ze wzgardą.
19V* muta fiant dolosa, quae loquuntur adversus justam iniquiattem, in superbia, et in abusione.
18ERV* Those evil people brag and tell lies about those who do right.
They are so proud now, but their lying lips will be silent.

Hear No Evil | Print on Plexi | Kristel Bechara

19 How abundant are the good things that you have atored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of a, on those who take refuge in you.
19NIV* How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you,

that you bestow in the sight of all,
20BT* Jakże jest wielka, o Panie, Twoja dobroć, którą zachowujesz dla tych, co się boją Ciebie, i okazujesz tym, co w Tobie szukają ucieczki na oczach synów ludzkich.
20V* Quam magna multitudo dulcedinis tuae, Domine, quam abscondisti timentibus te; perfecisti eis qui sperant in te in conspectu filiorum homionum!
19ERV* Lord, you have hiden away many wonderful things for your followers. You have done so many good things for those who trust in you. You have blessed them so that all the world can see.

Henri Matisse: A jolt of happiness from a humanist painter – The Irish Times

(21V* Abscondes eos in abscondito faciei tuae a conturbatione hominum; proteges eos in tabernaculo tuo, a contradictione linguarum. )

on those who take refuge in you.

20 In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in yoir dwelling from accusing tongues.

20NIV* In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues;

you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues.
21BT* Ukrywasz ich pod osłoną Twojej obecności od spisku mężów, a w swoim namiocie ich kryjesz przed sporem języków.
21V* Absondes eos in absecondito faciei tuae a contribatione hominum; proteges eos in tabernaculo tuo, a contradictione linguarum.
20ERV* Others make plans to hurt them. They say such bad things about them. But you hide your people in your shelter and protect them.

Understanding the Absurd Art of Michael Cheval - Park West Gallery
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and antoworks by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Others make plans to hurt them. They say such bad things about them. But you hide your people in your shelter and protect them.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and antoworks by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Others make plans to hurt them. They say such bad things about them. But you hide your people in your shelter and protect them.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and antoworks by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Others make plans to hurt them. They say such bad things about them. But you hide your people in your shelter and protect them.

21 Praise be to the LORD, for he showed me the wonders of his love when I was in a city under siege.
21NIV* Praise be to the LORD, for he showed me the wonders of his love when I was in a city under siege.
22BT* Błogosławiony niech będzie Pan, ktory okazał cuda swoje i łaski w mieście warownym.
22V* Benedictus Dominus, quoniam mirifcavit misaricodiam suam mihi in civitae munita.
21ERV* Praise the LORD, because he showed me how wonderful his faithful love is when the city was surrounded by enemies.

A Song of a Vineyard | VCS
Bad Paintings By Famous Artists Prove That Even Masters Mess Up |  2oceansvibe News | South African and international news
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and antoworks by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Praise the Lord, because he showed me how wonderful his faithful love is when the city was surrounded by enemies.

22 In my alarm I said, „I am cut off from your sight!” Yet you heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help.
22NIV* In my alarm I said, „I am cut off from your sight!” Yet you heard my cry for mercy
23BT* Ja zaś powiedziałem przerażony: <<Odcięty jestem od Twoich oczu>>, lecz Tyś wysłuchał głos mego błagania, gdy do Ciebie wołałem.
23V* Ego autem dixi in excessu mentis meae: Projectus sum a facie oculorum tuorum: ideo exaudisti vocem orationis meae, dum clamrem ad te.
22ERV* I was afraid and said, „I am in a place where he cannot see me.” But I prayed to you, and you heard my loud cries for help.

The Dalí's Dream Art Contest Online Exhibit - Salvador Dalí Museum

when I called to you for help.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and antoworks by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: I was afraid and said, “I am in a place where he cannot see me.” But I prayed to you, and you heard my loud cries for help.

23 Love the LORD, all his faithful people! The LORD preserves those who are true to him, but the proud he pays back in full.
23NIV* Love the LORD, all his faithful people! The LORD preserves those who are true to him, but the proud he pays back in full.
24BT* Miłujcie Pana, wszyscy, co Go czcicie! Pan zachowuje wiernych, a odpłaca z nawiązką tym, ktory wyniośle postępują.
24V* Diligite Dominum, omne sancti ejus, quoniam veritatem requret DOmnus, et retribuet abundanter facientibus superbiam.

23ERV* Love the LORD, all of you who are his loyal followers. The LORD protectes those who are loyal to him. But he punishes thsoe who brag about their own power. He gives them all the punishment they deserve.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from antworks by Arnold Bocklin, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Nietzsche, and antoworks by Gustav Klimt. The fragment is: Love the Lord, all of you who are his loyal followers. The Lord protects those who are loyal to him. But he punishes those who brag about their own power. He gives them all the punishment they deserve.

24 Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.

24NIV* Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
25BT* Bądźcie mocni i mężnego serca, wszyscy, którzy pokładacie ufność W Panu!
25V* Viriliter agite, et conforteur cor vestrum, omnes qui speratis in Domino.
24ERV* Be strong and brave, all of you who are waiting for the LORD’s help. Jesus Decor Wall Art Christian Religious Painting Canvas Cross  Warrior Lion and Lamb Be Brave Prints Artwork Best Gift Inspirational Wall  Decoration Horizontal Poster Framed for Bedroom Living Room: Posters &

Psalm 32

Of David. A maskil.

NIV* Of David. A maskil.

1 Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.

1NIV* Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.
Szczęście płynące z odpuszczenia win
1BT* Dawidowy. Pieśń pouczająca. Szczęśliwy ten, komu został odpuszczona nieprawość, którego grzech został puszczony w niepamięć.
31* Ipsi David intellectus. Beati quoniam remissae sunt iniquitates, et quorum tecta sunt peccata.
A maskil of David.
32*ERV* It is a great blessing when people are forgiven for the wrongs thay have done, when their sins are erased.

Salmagundi Magazine — Hannah Rothschild, the chair of London's National...
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, and the book 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: 'It is a great blessing when people are forgiven for the wrongs they have done, when their sins are erased.'

2 Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.
2NIV* Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count againat them and in whose spirit is no deceit.
2BT* Szczęśliwy człowiek, któremu Pan nie poczytuje winy, w którego duszy nie kryje się podstęp.
2V* Beatus vir cui non imputavit Dominus peccatum, nec est in spiritu ejus dolus.
2ERV* It is great blessing when the LORD says they are not guilty, when they don’t try to hide their sins.

BLOG | New River Fine Art
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book \'Also Sprach Zarathustra\' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: \'It is a great blessing when the Lord says they are not guilty, when they don’t try to hide their sins.\'

3 When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.

3NIV* When I kept silient, my bones wastwd away

through my groaning all day long.
3BT* Póki milczałem, schnęły kości moje, wśród codziennych mych jęków.
3V* Quoniam tacui, inverteraverunt ossa mea, dum clamare tota die.
3ERV* Lord, I prayed to you again and again, but I did not talk about my sins. So I only became weaker and more miserable.

GEORGE ROUAULT as a Spiritual Christian Artist - Iain McKillop
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, and Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, and references to Also sprach Zarathustra and the Übermensch concept by Nietzsche. The fragment is: 'Lord, I prayed to you again and again, but I did not talk about my sins. So I only became weaker and more miserable.'

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, and Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, and references to Also sprach Zarathustra and the Übermensch concept by Nietzsche. The fragment is: 'Lord, I prayed to you again and again, but I did not talk about my sins. So I only became weaker and more miserable.'

4 For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strenth was sapped as in the heat of summer.

4NIV* For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped as i  the heat of summer.
4BT* Bo dniem i nocą ciążyła nade mną Twa ręka, język mój ustawał jak w letnich upałach.
4V* Quoniam die ac nocte gravata est super me manus tua, conversus sum in aerumna mea, dum configitur spina.
4ERV* Every day you made life hearder for me. I became like a dry land in the hot summertime. Selah

10 Most Famous Summer Paintings - Artst
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book \'Also Sprach Zarathustra\' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: \'Every day you made life harder for me. I became like a dry land in the hot summertime.\'
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book \'Also Sprach Zarathustra\' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: \'Every day you made life harder for me. I became like a dry land in the hot summertime.\'

5 Then I acknowledged my sim to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, „I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.”

And you forgave the guilt of my sin.

5NIV* Then I acknowledged my sin to you

and did no cover my inquity. I said, „I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin.
5BT* Grzech mój wyznałem Tobie i nie ukryłem mej winy. Rzekłem: <<Wyznaję nieprawość moją wobec Pana>>, a Tyś darował winę mego grzechu.
5V* Delictum meum cognitum tibi feci, et injustitiam meam non abscondi. Dixi: Confitebor adversum me injustitiam meam Domino; et tu remisisti impertatem peccati mei.
5ERV* But then I decided to confess my sins to the LORD. I stopped hiding my guilty and told you about my sins. And you forgave them all! Selah

What is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? – Escape to Reality
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: 'But then I decided to confess my sins to the Lord. I stopped hiding my guilt and told you about my sins. And you forgave them all.'

6 Therefore let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them.
6NIV* Therefore let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found;

siurely the rising of the mighty wters

will not reach them.
6BT* Toteż każdy wierny będzie się modlił do Ciebie w czasie potrzeby. Choćby nawet fale wód uderzały, jego nie dosięgną.
6V* Pro hac orabit ad te omnis sanctus in tempore opportuno. Verumtamen in diluvio aquarum multarum, ad eum non approximabunt.
6ERV* That is why your loyal followers pray to you while there is still time. Then when trouble rises like a flood, it will not reach them.

Delacroix, Wolność wiodąca lud na barykady - film z polskimi napisami  (artykuł) | Khan Academy
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book \'Also Sprach Zarathustra\' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: \'That is why your loyal followers pray to you while there is still time. Then when trouble rises like a flood, it will not reach them.\'
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book \'Also Sprach Zarathustra\' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: \'That is why your loyal followers pray to you while there is still time. Then when trouble rises like a flood, it will not reach them.\'

7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with aongs of deliverance.
7NIV* You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with song of deliverence.
7BT* Tyś dla mnie ucieczką: z ucisku mnie wyrwiesz, otoczysz mnie radościami ocalenia.
7V* Tu es refugim meum a tribulatione quae circumdedit me; exultatio mea, erue me a circumdantibus me.
7ERV* You are a hiding place for me. You protect me from my troubles. You surround me and protect me, so I sing about the way you saved me. Selah

Béla Iványi-Grünwald, a popular figure in art life in Budapest, was born  155 years ago
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: 'You are a hiding place for me. You protect me from my troubles. You surround me and protect me, so I sing about the way you saved me.'
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: 'You are a hiding place for me. You protect me from my troubles. You surround me and protect me, so I sing about the way you saved me.'

8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

8NIV* I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
8BT* <<Pouczę cię i wskażę drogę, którą pójdziesz; umocnię moje sporzenie na tobie.
8V* Intellectum tibi dabo, et instruam te in via hac qua gradieris; frimabo super te oculos meos.
8ERV* The Lord says, „I will teach you and guide you in the way you should live.
I will watch over you and be your guide.

Paul Gauguin Paintings, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: 'The Lord says, "Iwillteachyouandguideyouinthewayyoushouldlive.Iwillwatchoveryouandbeyourguide.'

9 Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding be must be controlled by bit and bride or they will not come to you.
9NIV* Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding be must be controlled by bit and brodle or they will not come to you.
9BT* Nie bądźcie bez rozumu niczym koń i muł: tylko wędzidłem i uzdą można je okiełznać, nie zbliżą się inaczej do ciebie>>.
9V* Nolite fieri sicut equus et mulus, quibus non est intellectus. In camo et freno maxillas eorum constringe, qui non approximant ad te.
9ERV* Don’t be like a stupid horse or mule that will not come to you unless you put a bit in its mouth and pull it with reins.”

Stubbs and the Wild review – a radical world vision seen through animal  eyes | Painting | The Guardian
Animalia Digital Latin Poster - Etsy Australia | Bocetos de animales ...
Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes

10 Many are the wors of the wicked, but the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him.
10NIV* Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him.
10BT* Liczne są boleści grzesznika, lecz łaska ogarnia ufających Panu.
10V* Multa flagella peccatoris; sperantem autem in Domino misericordia circumdabit.
10ERV* Many pains will come to the wicked, but the LORD’s faithful love will surround those who trust in him.

God Knows Your Pain - (Rapzilla Devotional)
4 women with long hair singing around the piano, 2-3 cats on the piano, 3 Hannukah on piano, sufganiot, byzantine Japanese woodblock scene, in Viennese secession style, gilded, chromatic, whimsical, hanukkah

11 Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous; sing, all youbwho are upright in heart!

11NIV* Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart!
11BT* Cieszcie się sprawiedliwi i weselcie w Panu, wszyscy o prawym sercu, wznoście radosne okrzyki!
11V* Laetamini in Domino, et exsultate, justi; et gloriamini, omnes recti corde.
11ERV* Good people, rejoice and be very happy in the LORD. All you who want to do right, rejoice!

This is the day...Let us be glad! - Jen Norton Art Studio
Laughter (Rejoice, King of the Jews) by Ivan Kramskoi | USEUM
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, Dorothea Tanning, and the book 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' by Nietzsche. The fragment is: 'Don’t be like a stupid horse or mule that will not come to you unless you put a bit in its mouth and pull it with reins.'

Psalm 33

1 Sing joyfully to th e LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. 1NIV* Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous;it is fitting for the upright to praise him.
PSALM 33(32)
Bóg władcą świata
1BT* Sprawiedliwi, wołajcie radośnie na cześć Pana, prawym przystoi pieśń chwały.
Pslami 32
32* Psalmus David. Exsultate, justi, in Domino; rectos decet collaudatio.
33* Easy-to-Read Version* Rejoice in the LORD, good people! It is only right for good people to praise him.

Praise HIM Painting by Susanna Katherine - Fine Art America

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Arnold Böcklin, Gustav Klimt, and Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: \'Good people, rejoice and be very happy in the Lord. All you who want to do right, rejoice.\'

2 Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre.

2NIV* Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre.
2BT* Sławcie Pana na cytrze, śpiewajcie Mu przy harfie o dziesięciu strunach.
2V* Confitemini Domino in cithara; in psalterio decem chordarum psallite illi.
2ERV* Play the lyre and praise the LORD. Play the ten- stringed harp for him.

3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.
3NIV* Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.
3BT* Śpiewajcie Jemu pieśń nową, pełnym głosem Mu śpiewajcie!
3V* Cantate ei canticum novum; bene psallite ei in vociferatione.
3ERV* Sing a new song to him. Play it well and sing it loud!

Jay Chou's collecting obsession: 'I've spent almost all my concert earnings  on art' | CNN
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'Sing a new song to him. Play it well and sing it loud.'
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'Sing a new song to him. Play it well and sing it loud.'

4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.
4NIV* For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.
4BT* Bo słowo Pana jest prawe, a każde Jego dzieło niezawodne.
4V* Quia rectum est verbum Domini, et omnia opera ejus in fide.
4ERV* The LORD’s word is true, and he is faithful in everything he does.

The Otherworldly Art of William Blake - Eternalised
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'The Lord’s word is true, and he is faithful in everything he does.'

5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.
5NIV* The LORD loves righteousness and judtice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.
5BT* On miłuje prawo i sprawiedliwość: ziemia jest pełna łaskawości Pańskiej.
5V* Diligit misericordiam et judicum; misericordia Domini plena est terra.
5ERV* He loves goodness and justice. The LORD’s faithful love fills the earth.

Marc Chagall - was known as the painter of love
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'He loves goodness and justice. The LORD\'s faithful love fills the earth.'

6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by th breath of his mouth.
6NIV* By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.
6BT* Przez słowo Pana powstały niebiosa i wszystkie ich zastępy przez tchnienie ust Jego.
6V* Verbo Domini caeli firmati sunt, et spiritu oris ejus omnis virtus eorum.
6ERV* The LORD spoke the command, and the world was made. The breath from his mouth created everything in the heavens.

{2024-01-15 All I have doing are to sepsa …. in short and long perspectivity… 15:29 pon… }

Why is the finger of God and Adam not touching in the artwork on the  ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? - Quora
What Are Marc Chagall's Best-Known Artworks of All Time?
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'The LORD spoke the command, and the world was made. The breath from his mouth created everything in the heavens.'

7 He gates the waters of the sea onto jars; he puts the deep into storehouses. 7NIV* He gathers the waters od the sea into jars; he puts the deep into storehouses.
7BT* On gromadzi wody morskie jak w worze: oceany umieszcza w zbiornikach.
7V* Congregans sicut in utre aquas maris; ponens in thesauris abyssos.
7ERV* He gathered together the water of the sea. He put the ocean in its place.

Ekscytujące pejzaże morskie ... Wielka Fala Hokusaia.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'He gathered together the water of the sea. He put the ocean in its place.'

8 Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world revere him.

8NIV* Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world revere him.
8BT* Niech cała ziemia boi się Pana i niech się Go lękają wszyscy mieszkańcy świata!
8V* Timeat Dominum omnis terra; ab eo autem commoveantur omnes inhabitantes orbem.
8ERV* Everyone on earth should fear and respect the LORD. All the people in the world should fear him,

In The #MeToo Era, Do These Paintings Still Belong In A Museum? | HuffPost  Entertainment
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'Everyone on earth should fear and respect the Lord. All the people in the world should fear him.'

9 For he spoke, and it came tp be; he commanded, and it stood firm.

9NIV* For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.
9BT* Bo On przemówił, a wszystko powstało; On rozkazał, a zaczęło istnieć.
9V* Quoniam ipse dixit, et facta sunt; ipse mandavit et creata sunt.
9ERV* because when he speaks, things happen. And if he says, „Stop!”-then it stops.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'because when he speaks, things happen. And if he says, “Stop!”—then it stops.'
The Death of Marat' Defined the French Revolution. Here Are 3 Things You  Might Not Know About Jacques Louis David's Masterpiece

10 The LORD foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.

10NIV* The LORD foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.
10BT* Pan udaremnia zamiary narodów; wniwecz obraca zamysły ludów.
10V* Dominus dissipat consilia gentum; reprobat autem cogitationes populorum, et reprobat consilia principium.
10ERV* The LORD can ruin every decision the nations make. He can spoil all their plans.

Arianna Huffington Profiles Pablo Picasso - The Atlantic

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'The LORD can ruin every decision the nations make. He can spoil all their plans.'

11 But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.
11NIV* But the plans od the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes od his heart through all generations.
11BT* Zamiar Pana trwa na wieki; zamysły Jego serca – poprzez pokolenia.
11V* Consilium autem Domini in aeternum manet; cogitationes cordis ejus in generatione et generationem.
11ERV* But the LORD’s decisions are good forever. His plans are good for generation after generation.

The Dilemma of Generation after Generation. by Kevin Gavaghan (2021) :  Painting Oil on Canvas - SINGULART
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'But the Lord’s decisions are good forever. His plans are good for generation after generation.'

12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. 12NIV* Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.
12BT* Szczęśliwy lud, ktorego Bogiem jest Pan – naród, ktory On wybrał na dziedzictwo dla siebie.
12V* Beata genus cujus est Dominus ejus; populus quem elegit in haereditatem sibi.
12ERV* Great blessings belong to those who have the LORD as their God!
He chose them to be his own special people.

13 From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind;

13NIV* From heaven the LORD looks down

and sees all mankind;
13Bat* Pan patrzy z nieba, widzi wszystkich synów ludzkich.
{2024-01-16 wtorek Jana i Pawla generate from bing from iphone at Jana Pawla and in morning vomit czarnuszka …}
13V* De caelo respexit Dominus; vidit omnes filios hominum.
13ERV* The LORD looked down from heaven and saw all the people.

Hieronymus Bosch on Heaven and Hell | HARTS (Humanities and Arts)  Initiative at PCC
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'The Lord looked down from heaven and saw all the people.'

14 from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth- 14NIV* from his dwelling place he watches

all who live on earth-
14BT* Spogląda z miejsca, gdzie przebywa, na wszystkich mieszkańców ziemi:
14V* De praeparato habitaculo suo respexit super omnes qui habitant terram:
14ERV* From his high throne he looked down at all the people living on earth.

Théodore Géricault, Raft of the Medusa
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'From his high throne he looked down at all the people living on earth.'

15 he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.
15NIV* he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.
15BT* On, który ukształtował każdemu z nich serce, On, który zważa na wszystkie ich czyny.
15V* qui finxit sigillatim corda eorum; qui intelligit omnia opera eorum.
15ERV* He created every person’s mind, and he knows what each one is doing.

8 fascinating facts about Vincent van Gogh | Aruma
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'He created every person’s mind, and he knows what each one is doing.'

16 No king is saved by the size of his army; no warior escapes by his great strenth. 16NIV* No king is saved by the size od his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength.
16BT* Nie uratuje króla liczne wojsko ani wojownika nie ocali wielka siła.
16V* Non salvatur rex per multam virtutem, et gigas non salvabitur in multitudine virtutis suae.
16ERV* A king is not saved by the power of his army. A soldier does not survive by his own great strength.

The Battle of Vienna (1683): The Clash that Saved Europe - Polish History

{bing – please create to me one digital picture about fragment of Holly Bible in fine this ask – to this pictures add „mathematic version” in style Cornelus Escher and add motives from „Also Spracht Zaratustra” in form Uberminch from Nietzsche’s book and add motives from antworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and add element conncted to Sait Paul Hermit and add elements conncted with longliving people and add styles Marc’s Chagall – this is this fragment: ” . A king is not saved by the power of his army. A soldier does not survive by his own great strength…..

17 A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.
17NIV* A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.
17BT* W koniu zwodniczy ratunek i mimo wielkiej swej siły nie umknie.
17V* Fallax equus ad salutem; in abundantia autem virtutis suae non salvabitur.
17ERV* Horses don’t relly bring victory in war. Their strength cannot help your escape.

The Art of Power: Royal Armor and Portraits from Imperial Spain
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'Horses don’t really bring victory in war. Their strength cannot help you escape.'
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'Horses don’t really bring victory in war. Their strength cannot help you escape.'

18 But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in unfailing love,

18NIV* But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,
18BT* Oto oczy Pana nad tymi, którzy się Go boją, nad tymi, co ufają Jego łasce,
18V* Ecce oculi Domini super metentes eum, et in eis qui sperant super misericordia ejus:
18ERV* The LORD watches over his folowers, those who wait for him to show his faithul love.

Christie's Says This Painting Is by Leonardo. I Doubt It.
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'The Lord watches over his followers, those who wait for him to show his faithful love.'

19 to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.

19NIV* to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famiene.
19BT* aby ocalił ich życie od śmierci i żywił ich w czasie głodu.
19V* ut eruat a morte animas eorum, et alat eos in famine.
19ERV* He saves them from death. He gives them strenght when they are hungry.

The Dying Artist: A Masterpiece by Zygmunt Andrychiewicz | by  Globalgrowthforum | Medium
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'He saves them from death. He gives them strength when they are hungry.'

20 We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
20NIV* We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.

20BT* Dusza nasza wyczekuje Pana, On jest nasz pomocą i tarczą.
20V* Anima nostra sustinet Dominum, quoniam adjutor et protector noster est.
20ERV* So we wait for the LORD. He helps us and protects us.

BOMB Magazine | Jaune Quick-to-See Smith by Marcus Civin
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'So we will wait for the Lord. He helps us and protects us.'

21 In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.

21NIV* In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.
21BT* W Nim przeto raduje się nasze serce, ufamy Jego świętemu imieniu.
21V* Quia in eo laetabitur cor nostrum, et in nomine sancto ejus speravimus.
21ERV* He makes us happy. We trust his holy name.

Howard Finster —
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'He makes us happy. We trust his holy name.'

22 May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in you.

22NIV* May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in you.
22BT* Niech nas ogarnie łaska Twoja Panie, według ufności pokładanej w Tobie!
22V* Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos, quemadmodum speravimus in te.
22ERV* LORD, we worship you, so show your great love for us.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning and Marc Chagall, as well as elements of DNA and RNA, Saint Paul the Hermit, and long-living people. The fragment is: 'Lord, we worship you, so show your great love for us.'

Psalm 34

Of David. When he pretended to be insane before Abimelek, who drove him away, and he left.
NIV* Of David. When he pretended to be insane before Abimelek, who drove him Way, and he left.
PSALM 34(33)
Bojaźń Boża źródlem błogosławieństwa
1. Dawidowy. Gdy wobec Abimeleka udawał szaleńca i odszedł wygnany przez niego. Alef
33 Davidi, cum immutavit vultum suum coram Achimelech, et dimisit eum, et abiit.
A song of David when he pretended to be crazy so that Abimelech would send him away, which he did.

Why did David act insane with Abimelek in the Bible? - Quora
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'A song of David when he pretended to be crazy so that Abimelech would send him away, which he did.'

1 I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
1NIV* I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
2BT* Chcę błogosławić Pana w każdym czasie, na ustach moich zawsze Jego chwała.
2V* Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore; semper laus ejus in ore meo.
1ERV* I will praise the LORD at all times. I will never stop singing his praises.

Walther von der Vogelweide Weg
File:Aert de Gelder (Dutch - Ahimelech Giving the Sword of Goliath to David  - Google Art Project.jpg - Wikipedia
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'I will praise the Lord at all times. I will never stop singing his praises.'

2 I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.

2NIV* I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3BT* Dusza moja będzie się chlubiła w Panu, niech słyszą pokorni i niech się weselą!
3V* In Domino laudabitur anima mea: audiant mansueti, et laetentur.
2ERV* Humble people, listen and be happy, while I brag about the LORD.

The 10 Best Artworks by Raphael, Seraphic Genius of the Renaissance—Ranked
Blessed Are Those Who Follow Their Dreams | by Mark Raja | Medium
A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Humble people, listen and be happy, while I brag about the Lord.'

3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. 3NIV* Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
4BT* Uwielbiajcie ze mną Pana, imię Jego wspólnie wywyższajmy!
4V* Magnificate Dominum mecum, et exaltemus nomen ejus in idipsum.
3ERV* Praise the LORD with me. Let us honor his name.

A digital picture inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Praise the LORD with me. Let us honor his name.'

4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. 4NIV* I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
5BT* Szukałem Pana, a On mnie wysłuchał i uwolnił od wszelkiej trwogi.
5V* Exquisivi Dominum, et exaudivit me; et ex omnibus tribulationibus meis eripuit me.
4ERV* I went to the LORD for help, and he listened. He saved me from all that I fear.

Why Did Francisco Goya Paint Witches?
A digital picture in the style of nadczłowiek (ubermunch) inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'I went to the LORD for help, and he listened. He saved me from all that I fear.'

5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
5NIV* Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
Dalet, He
6BT* Spójrzcie na Niego, promieniejecie radością, a oblicza wasze nie zaznają wstydu.
6V* Accedite ad eum, et illuminai et facies vestrae non confundebtur.
5ERV* If you look to him for help, he will put a smile on your face.

The Smile of Pop Art: Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist and Yue Minjun |  Artmajeur Magazine
A digital picture in the style of nadczłowiek (ubermunch) inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'If you look to him for help, he will put a smile on your face.'

6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.

6NIV* This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;

he saved him out of all his troubles.
7BT* Oto biedak zawołał, a Pan go usłyszał, i wybawił ze wszystkich ucisków.
7V* Iste pauper clamavit, et Dominus exaudivit eum, et de omnibus tribulationibus ejus salavit eum.
6ERV* As a poor, helpless man I prayed to the LORD, and he heard me. He saved me from all my troubles.

Gospel Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Advent, December 11th -
A digital picture in the style of nadczłowiek (ubermunch) inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'As a poor, helpless man I prayed to the Lord, and he heard me. He saved me from all my trouble.'

7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. 7NIV* The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
8BT* Anioł Pana zakłada obóz warowny wokół bojących się Jego i niesie im ocalenie.
8V* Immittet angelus Domini in circuitu timentium eum, et eripiet eos.
7ERV* The LORD’s angel builds a camp around his followers and he protects them.

A digital picture in the style of nadczłowiek (ubermunch) inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The Lord’s angel builds a camp around his followers, and he protects them.'

8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one whobtakes refuge in him. 8NIV* Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
9BT* Skosztujcie i zobaczcie, jak dobry jest Pan, szczęśliwy człowiek, ktory się do Niego ucieka.
9V* Gustate et videte quoniam suavis est Dominus; beatus vir qui sperat in eo.
8ERV* Give the LORD a chance to show you how good he is. Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!

Gauguin | Creature and Creator

9 Fear the LORD, you his holy people, for those whobfear him lack nothing.

9NIV* Fear the LORD, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing.
10BT* Bójcie się Pana, święci Jego, gdyż bogobojni nie doświadczają biedy.
10V* Timete Dominum, omnes sancti ejus, quoniam non est inopia timentibus eum.
9ERV* The LORD’s holy people should fear and respect him. Those who respect him will always have what they need.

Weeping Woman', Pablo Picasso, 1937 | Tate

10 The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

10NIV* The lions may grow weak and hungry,

but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
11BT* Możni zubożeli i zaznali głodu; a szukającym Pana żadnego dobra nie zabraknie.
11V* Divites eguerunt, et esurierunt; iniquirenetes autem Dominum non minuentur omni bono.
(Timete Dominum, omnes sancti ejus, quoniam non est inopia timentibus eum. )
10ERV* Even strong lions get weak and hungry, but those who go to the LORD for help will have every good thing.

Psalm 34:10 Illustrated: "The lions may grow weak and hungry, but..." —  Heartlight® Gallery
A digital picture in the style of nadczłowiek (ubermunch) inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher, and motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning, and elements of DNA and RNA, and an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and elements connected to long-living people, and the style of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Give the Lord a chance to show you[b] how good he is. Great blessings belong to those who depend on him.'

11 Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.

11NIV* Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
12BT* Pójdźcie, synowie, słuchajcie mnie; nauczę was bojaźni Pańskiej.
12V* Venite, filii; audite me: timorem Domini docebo vos.
11ERV* Children, come and listen to me; I will teach you to respect the LORD.

Let the Little Children Come Unto Me - BYU Museum of Art Store
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Even strong lions get weak and hungry, but those who go to the Lord for help will have every good thing'

12 Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days,

12NIV* Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days,
13BT* Jakim ma być człowiek, co miłuje życie i pragnie dni, by zażywać szczęścia?
13V* Quis est homo qui vult vitam; diligit dies videre bonos?
12ERV* Do you want to enjoy life? Do you want to have many happy days?

Definitely happy: artists who lived in clover. Part 1 | Arthive
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Children, come and listen to me; I will teach you to respect the Lord'

13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.

13NIV* keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.
14BT* Powściągnij swoj język od złego, a twoje wargi od słów podstępnych!
14V* Prohibe linguam tuam a malo, et labia tua ne longuanbtur dolum.
13ERV* Then avoid saying anything hurtful, and never let a lie come out of your mouth.

Do You Know The Story Behind This Famous Painting? — Froyle Art
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Do you want to enjoy life? Do you want to have many happy days'

14 Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. 14NIV* Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
15BT* Odstąp od złego, czyń dobro; szukaj pokoju, idź za nim!
15V* Diverte a malo, et fac bonum; inquire pacem, et persequere eam.
14ERV* Stop doing anything evil, and do good. Look for peace, and do all you can to help prole lice pracefully.

15 The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry;

15NIV* The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry.
Ain 16BT* Oczy Pana [zwrócone są] ku sprawiedliwym, a Jego uszy na ich wołanie.
16V* Oculi Domini super justos, et aures ejus in preces eorum.
15ERV* The LORD watches over those who do what is right, and he hears their prayers.

17ERV*23* Pray to the LORD, and he will hear you. He will save you from all your troubles.
17NIV*2023************** The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.
16 but the face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to blot out their name from the earth.

16NIV* but the face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to blot out their name from the earth.
18BT* Oblicze Pana [zwraca się] przeciw źle czyniącym, by pamięć o nich wygładzić z ziemi.
{Przestawiono w. 18 i 17 w przeciwnym wypadku w. 18 byłby niezrozumiały.
17V* Vultus autem Domini super facientes mala, ut perdat de terra memoriam eorum.
16ERV* But the LORD is against those who do evil, so they are forgotten soon after they die.

The Story of a Painter” | The New Yorker
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'But the Lord is against those who do evil, so they are forgotten soon after they die.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

(17BT* Wołali, a Pan ich wysłuchał i uwolnił od wszystkich przeciwności. )

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'But the Lord is against those who do evil, so they are forgotten soon after they die.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

Romantic Portrayals of Death in Painting by the Romanticists

17 The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. 17NIV* The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all theie troubles.
17BT* Wołali, a Pan ich wysłuchał i uwolnił od wszystkich przeciwności.
18BT* Calamaverunt justi, et Dominus exaudivit eos; et ex omnibus tribulationibus eorum liberavit eos.
17ERV* Pray to the LORD, and he will hear you. He will save you from all your troubles.

Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes (article) | Khan Academy
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Pray to the LORD, and he will hear you. He will save you from all your troubles.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

18NIV* The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
19BT* Pan jest blisko skruszonych w sercu i wybawia złamanych na duchu.
19V* Juxta est Dominus iis qui tribulato sunt corde, et humilies spiritu salvabit.
18ERV* The LORD is close to those who have suffered disappointment. He saves those who are discouraged.

Lion Artwork Bible Verse Courage Scripture, Joshua 1:9, From Watercolor  Painting by Cheryl Casey - Etsy Australia
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: '. The LORD is close to those who have suffered disappointment. He saves those who are discouraged.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: '. The LORD is close to those who have suffered disappointment. He saves those who are discouraged.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; 19NIV* The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all;
20BT* Wiele nieszczęść [spada na] sprawiedliwego; lecz ze wszystkich Pan go wybawia.
20V* Multae tribulationes justorum; et de omnibus his liberabit eos Dominus.
19ERV* Good people might have many problems, but the LORD will take them all away.

Henri Matisse: A jolt of happiness from a humanist painter – The Irish Times
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Good people might have many problems, but the Lord will take them all away.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

20 he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.

20NIV* he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.
21BT* Strzeże On wszystkich jego kości: ani jedna z nich nie ulegnie złamaniu.
21V* Custodit Dominus omnia ossa eorum: unum ex his non conteretur.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Good people might have many problems, but the Lord will take them all away.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

20ERV* He will protect them completely. Not one of their bones will be broken.

Michelangelo Art, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'He will protect them completely. Not one of their bones will be broken.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

21 Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned.

21NIV* Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
Taw 22BT* Zło sprowadza śmierć na przewrotnego, wrogów sprawiedliwego spotka kara.
22V* Mors peccatorum pessima; et qui oderunt justum delinquent.
21ERV* But troubles will kill the wicked. The enemies of those who live right will all be punishment.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'But troubles will kill the wicked. The enemies of those who live right will all be punished.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'But troubles will kill the wicked. The enemies of those who live right will all be punished.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'But troubles will kill the wicked. The enemies of those who live right will all be punished.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'But troubles will kill the wicked. The enemies of those who live right will all be punished.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

(22ERV* The LORD saves his servants. All who go to him for protection will escape punishment.

22 The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.

22NIV* The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
23BT* Pan uwalnia dusze sług swoich, nie dozna kary, kto się doń ucieka.
23V* Redimet Dominus animas servorum suorum, et non delinquent omnes qui sperant in eo.
22ERV* The LORD saves his servants. All who go to him for protection will escape punishment.

William Blake Paintings, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
The Outlaw Who Revolutionised Art | by Steven Gambardella | The Sophist |  Medium
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: \'The Lord saves his servants. All who go to him for protection will escape punishment.\' To this picture, add a \'mathematic version\' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from \'Also Spracht Zaratustra\' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche\'s book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

Psalm 35

Of David NIV* Of David

1 Contend, LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. 1NIV* Contend, LORD, with those who contend with me; fight againat those who fight againat me.
PSALM 35(34)
Wołanie o pomoc przeciw niewdzięcznikom
1BT* Dawidowy. Wystąp, panie, przeciw tym, co walczą ze mną, uderz na moich napastników!
34*V* Ipsi David. Judica, Domine, nocentes me; expunga impugnantes me.
A song of David.
35 LORD, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight me.

The Fighting Temeraire - Wikipedia
Edvard Munch: Beyond The Scream | Arts & Culture| Smithsonian Magazine
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Lord, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight me.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Lord, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight me.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Lord, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight me.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Lord, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight me.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

2 Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid.

2NIV* Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid.
2BT* Pochwyć tarczę i puklerz i powstań mi na pomoc.
2V* Apprehende arma et scutum, et exsurge in adjutorium mihi.
2ERV* Pick up your shields, large and small. Get up and help me!

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Pick up your shields, large and small. Get up and help me!' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Pick up your shields, large and small. Get up and help me!' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Pick up your shields, large and small. Get up and help me!' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Pick up your shields, large and small. Get up and help me!' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

3 Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to me, „I am your salvation.”

3NIV* Bandish spear and javelin

againat those who pursue me. Say to me,

„I am your salvation.”
3BT* Rzuć włócznią i toporem na moich prześladowców; powiedz mej duszy: <<Jam twoim zbawieniem>>.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Take a spear and javelin and fight those who are chasing me. Tell me, “I will rescue you.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

3V* Effunde frameam, et conclude adversus eos wui persequunturnme; dic animaenmeae: Salus tua ego sum.
3ERV* Take a spear and javelin and fight those who are chasing me. Tell me, „I will rescue you.”

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of the Holy Bible: 'Take a spear and javelin and fight those who are chasing me. Tell me, “I will rescue you.' To this picture, add a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and add motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and add motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements of DNA and RNA, and add an element connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, and add elements connected with long-living people, and add styles of Marc Chagall.

4 May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame; may those who ot my ruin be turned back im dismay. 4NIV* May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame; may those who plot my ruin be turned back in dismay.
4BT* Niech się zmieszają i niech się zawstydzą ci, co na życie me czyhają; niech się cofną zawstydzeni ci, którzy zamierzają mi szkodzić.
4V* Confunadantur et revereantur quaerentes animam meam; avertantur retrosum et confundantur cogitanes mihi mala.
4ERV* Some people are trying to kill me. Disappoint them and make them ashamed. Make them turn and run away. They are planning to hurt me. Defeat and embarrass them.

What are some interesting facts about famous paintings? - Quora

5 May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the LORD driving them away; 5NIV* May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel od the LORD driving them away;
5BT* Niech będą jak plewy na wietrze, gdy będzie ich gnał anioł Pański.
5V* Fiant tamquam pulvis ante faciem venti, et angekus Domini coarctans eos.
5ERV* Make them like chaff blown by the wind. Let them be chased by the LORD’s angel.

The Story of The Fallen Angel by Alexander Cabanel – KUURTH
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Make them like chaff blown by the wind. Let them be chased by the LORD\'s angel'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

6 may their path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them. 6NIV* may their path be dark and slipery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them.
6BT* Niech droga ich będzie ciemna i śliska, gdy anioł Pański będzie ich ścigał.
6V* Fiat via illorum tanebrae et lubricum, et angelus Domini persequens eos.
6ERV* Make their road dark and slippery. Let the LORD’s angel chase them.

File:The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds (Thomas Cole).jpg - Wikimedia  Commons

7 Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me, 7NIV* Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me,
7BT* Bez przyczyny bowiem zastawili na mine sieć swoją, be przyczyny dół kopią dla mnie.
7V* Quoniam grais absconderunt mihi interitum laquer sui; supervacue exprobraverunt animam meam.
7ERV* I did nothing wrong, but they tried to trap me. For no reason at all, they dug a pit to catch me.

Ant Carver's 'Nothing's Wrong Something's Right' Exhibition Opens At The  Old Truman Brewery | London Calling Blog

8 may ruin overtake them by suprise-may the net they hid entangle them, may they fall into the pit, to their ruin.

8NIV* may ruin overtake them by surprise- may the net they hid entangle them, may they fall into the pit, to their ruin.
8BT* Niech przyjdzie na nich zagłada niespodziana, a sidło, które zastawili, niech ich pochwyci;
8V* Veniat illi laqueus quem ignorat, et captio quam abscondit apprehendat eum, et in laquem cadat in ipsum.
8ERV* So let them fall into their own traps. Let them stumble into their own nets. Let some unknown danger catch them.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'So let them fall into their own traps. Let them stumble into their own nets. Let some unknown danger catch them'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'So let them fall into their own traps. Let them stumble into their own nets. Let some unknown danger catch them'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'So let them fall into their own traps. Let them stumble into their own nets. Let some unknown danger catch them'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

9 Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD and delight in his salvation. 9NIV* Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD and delight in his salvation.
9BT* A moja dusza będzie radować się w Panu, będzie się weselić z jego ratunku.
9V* Anima sutem mea exsultabit in Domino, et delectabitur super salutari suo.
9ERV* Then I will rejoice in the LORD. I will be happy when he saves me.

Claude Monet Paintings, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Then I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be happy when he saves me'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Then I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be happy when he saves me'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

10 May whole being will exclaim, „Who is like you, LORD? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.” 10NIV* My whole being will exclaim, „Who is like you, LORD? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.”
10BT* Wszystkie moje kości powiedzą: <<Któż, o Panie wyrywasz biedaka z mocy silniejszego, z mocy grabieżcy – [biedaka] i nędzarza>>.
10V* Omnia ossa mea dicent: Domine, quis similis tibi? eripiens inopem de manu fortiorum ejus; egenum et pauperem a diripientibus eum.
10ERV* With my whole self I will say, „LORD, there is no one like you. You protect the poor from those who are stronger. You save the poor and hel[less from those who try to rob them.”

Suicide Contagion in Shakespeare's Hamlet
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'With my whole self I will say, “Lord, there is no one like you. You protect the poor from those who are stronger. You save the poor and helpless from those who try to rob them'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

11 Ruthless witnesses come forward; they question me om things I know nothing about. 11NIV* Ruthless withness come forward; they question me on things I know nothing about.
11BT* Powstają fałszywi świadkowie, pytają o to, czego nie wiem.
11V* Surgentes testes iniqui, quae ignorabam interrogabant me.
11ERV* There are witnesses trying to harm me. They ask me questions that I know nothing about.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'With my whole self I will say, There are witnesses trying to harm me. They ask me questions that I know nothing about'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'With my whole self I will say, There are witnesses trying to harm me. They ask me questions that I know nothing about'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'With my whole self I will say, There are witnesses trying to harm me. They ask me questions that I know nothing about'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'With my whole self I will say, There are witnesses trying to harm me. They ask me questions that I know nothing about'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

12 They repay me evil for good and leave me like one bereaved. 12NIV* They repay me evil for good and leave me like one bereaved.
12BT* Płacili mi złem za dobro, czyhali na moje życie.
12V* Retribuebant mihi mala pro bonis, steriliatem animae meae.
12ERV* They pay me back evil for good I have done. They make me so very sad.

Opactwo w Dębowym Lesie
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'They pay me back evil for the good I have done. They make me so very sad'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'They pay me back evil for the good I have done. They make me so very sad'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

13 Yet when they were ill, I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting.

When my prayers returned to me unanswered, 13NIV* Yet when they were ill, I put on sackloth and humbled myself with fasting.

When my prayers returned to me unanswered,

They pay me back evil for the good I have done. They make me so very sad
13BT* A ja, gdy chorowali, wór przywdziewałem, umartwiałem się postem i moja modlitwa wracala do mojego łona,
13V* Ego autem, cum mihi molesti essent, induebar cilicio; humiliabam in jejunio anmimam meam, et oratio mea in sinu meo conventetur.
13ERV* When they were sick, I was sad and wore sackloth. I went without eating to show my sorrow. (May may prayers for them not be answered!)

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'When they were sick, I was sad and wore sackcloth. I went without eating to show my sorrow. (May my prayers for them not be answered!'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
Charles Saatchi's Great Masterpieces: sackcloth, syphilis and the birth of  modern art

14 I went about mourning as though for my feiend or brother. I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother.

14NIV* I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother. I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother.
14BT* jak po stracie przyjaciela czy brata. Chodziłem jak w żałobie po matce szczerniały i pochylony.
14V* Quasi proximum et quasi fratrem nostrum sic complacebam; wuasi lugens et contristatus sic humiliabar.
14ERV* I mourned for them as I would for a friend or a brother. I bowed low with sadness, crying as I would for my own mother.

Frida Kahlo Paintings, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'I mourned for them as I would for a friend or a brother. I bowed low with sadness, crying as I would for my own mother'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

15 But when I strumbled, they gathered in glee; assailants gathered against me without my knowledge. They slandered me withou ceasing.

15NIV* But when I stumbled, they gathered in glee; assailante gathered against me without my knowledge. They slandered me without ceasing.
15BT* Lecz kiedy się chwieję, z radością się zbiegają, przeciwko mnie się schodzą obcy, których nie znałem, szarpią mnie bez przerwy,
15V* Et adversum me laetati sunt, et convenerunt; congregata sunt super me flagella, et ignoravi.
15ERV* But when I had troubles, they laughed at me. They were not really friends. I was surrounded and attacked by people I didn’t even know.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'But when I had troubles, they laughed at me. They were not really friends. I was surrounded and attacked by people I didn\'t even know'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

16 Like the ungodly they maliciously mocked; they gnashed their teeth at me.

16NIV* Like the ungodly they maliciously mocked; they gnashed their teeth at me.
16BT* napastują i szydzą ze mnie, zgrzytając przeciw mnie zębami.
16V* Dissipati sunt, nec compuncti; tentaverunt me, subsannaverunt me subsannatione; frenduerunt super me dentibus suis.
16ERV* They made fun of me, using the worst language. They ground their teeth to show their anger.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'They made fun of me, using the worst language. They ground their teeth to show their anger'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
The Secrets of the World's Greatest Art Thief | GQ

17 How long, Lord, will you look on? Rescue me from their ravages, my precious life from these lions. 17NIV* How long, LORD, will you look on? Rescue me from their ravages, my precious life from these lions.
17BT* Jak długo, Panie, będziesz na to patrzeć? Wyrwij moje życie tym, co ryczą, lwom – moje jedyne dobro!
17V* Domine, quando respicies? Restitute animam meam a malignitate eorum; a leonibus unicam meam.
17ERV* My Lord, how long will you watch this happen? Save me life from these people who are attacking me like lions and trying to destroy me.

Great Fire of London, 1666 | What Happened + 10 Surprising Facts |  HistoryExtra
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'My Lord, how long will you watch this happen? Save me life from these people who are attacking me like lions and trying to destroy me'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

18 I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise you.

18NIV* I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise you.
18BT* Będę składał Ci dzięki w wielkim zgromadzeniu, będę Cię chwalił wśród licznego ludu.
18V* Confitebor tibi in ecclesia magna; in populo gravi laudabo te.
18ERV* I will praise you in the great assemmbly. I will praise you there among the crowds.

ART: Rivera, Kahlo, and the Detroit Murals: A History and a Personal  Journey | Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'I will praise you in the great assemmbly. I will praise you there among the crowds.'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'I will praise you in the great assemmbly. I will praise you there among the crowds.'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'I will praise you in the great assemmbly. I will praise you there among the crowds.'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'I will praise you in the great assemmbly. I will praise you there among the crowds.'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

19 Do not let those gloat over me whonare my enemies without cause; do not let those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye.

19NIV* Do not let those gloat over me who are my enemies without cause;

do not let those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye.
19BT* Niech wrogowie zakłamani nie cieszą się ze mnie; nienawidzący mnie bez powodu mrugają oczami.
19V* Non supergaudeant mihi qui adversantur mihi inique, qui oderunt me gratis, et annuunt oculis.
19ERV* Don’t let my lyining enemies keep on laughting at me. They have no reason to hate me. Surely they will be punished for their secret plans.

Socrates_and_Alcibiades _Christoffer_Wilhelm_Eckersberg (1)
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Don’t let my lying enemies keep on laughing at me. They have no reason to hate me. Surely they will be punished for their secret plans'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

20 They do not speak peacebly, but devise false accousations against those who live quietly in the land. 20NIV* They do not speak peacebly, but devise false accusations against those who live quitly in the land.
20BT* Bo nie mówią o tym, co służy pokojowi, a dla spokojnych w kraju obmyślają zdradliwe plany.
20V* Quoniam mihi quidem pacifice loquebantur; et in iracundia terrae loquentes, dolos cognitabant.
20ERV* They have no friendly words for others, but plan ways to hurty those who want to live in peace.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Don’t let my lying enemies keep on laughing at me. They have no reason to hate me. Surely they will be punished for their secret plans'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'They have no friendly words for others, but plan ways to hurt those who want to live in peace'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

21 They sneer at me and say, „Aha! Aha! With our own eyes we have seen it.”

21NIV* They sneer at me and say, „Aha! Aha! With our own eyes we have seen it.”
21BT* I otwierają przeciw mnie swe usta, wołają <<Ha, ha, ha, widzieliśmy na własne oczy!>>
21V* Et dilataverunt super me os suum; dixerunt: Euge, euge! viderunt oculi nostri.
21ERV* They are telling lies about me. They say, „Aha! We know what you did!”

Life is God's work of art (quotes) - Wisdom Trove
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'They are telling lies about me. They say, "Aha! We know what you did!". The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

{2018-04-26-Poland – after Ruda Slaska przedwczoraj, wczoraj Marina suestywnie teke off ring in small room at J. Nowaka Jezioranskiego- siedze na krzesle z Tylu u Boboli 08:53 ….}

22 LORD, you have seen this; do not be silient. Do not be far from me, LORD.

22NIV* LORD, you have seen this; do not be silent. Do not be far from me, Lord.
22BT* Widziałeś, Panie, zatem nie milcz, o Panie, nie bądź ode mnie daleko!
22V* Vidisti, Domine: ne sileas; Domine, ne discedas a me.
22ERV* LORD, surely you can see what is happening. So don’t keep quiet. Lord, don’t leave me.

She was always searching for grandeur': the revolutionary life of artist  Gwen John | Art | The Guardian
How Psychics Cope With Hearing Voices Could Help People With Psychotic  Disorders - The Atlantic
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Lord, surely you can see what is happening. So don’t keep quiet. Lord, don’t leave me'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Lord, surely you can see what is happening. So don’t keep quiet. Lord, don’t leave me'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Lord, surely you can see what is happening. So don’t keep quiet. Lord, don’t leave me'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Lord, surely you can see what is happening. So don’t keep quiet. Lord, don’t leave me'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

23 Awake, and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and Lord. 23NIV* Awake, and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and Lord.
23BT* Przebudź się, wystąp w obronie mego prawa, w mojej sprawie, mój Boże i Panie!
23V* Exurge et intende judico meo, Deus meus; et Dominus meus, in causam meam.
23ERV* Wake up! Get up! My God and my Lord, fight fro me, and bring me justice.

Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes (article) | Khan Academy
With Dreams Upon My Bed Thou Scarest Me and Affrightest Me with Visions (The  Book of Job) | Harvard Art Museums
File:Brooklyn Museum - My God My God why hast thou forsaken me (Eli Eli  lama sabactani) - James Tissot.jpg - Wikipedia
Misunderstood Masterpiece: Salvador Dali's 'The Sacrament of the Last  Supper' | America Magazine
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Wake up! Get up! My God and my Lord, fight for me, and bring me justice'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

24 Vindicate me in your righteousness, LORD my God; do not let them gloat over me. 24NIV* Vidnsicate me in your righteousness, LORD my God; do not let them gloat over me.
24BT* Osądź mnie, Panie, Boże mój, w Twej sprawiedliwości; niech się nie cieszą oni nade mną.
24V* Judica me secundum justitiam tuam, Domine Deus meus, et non supergaudeant mihi.
24ERV* LORD my God, judge me with your fairness. Don’t let those people laugh at me.

In what way could God be an artist? - Quora
Is it true that the portrait image of Jesus that we see in museums is based  on the one painted by the artist Michelangelo which was a portrait of his  boyfriend? -
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Lord my God, judge me with your fairness. Don’t let those people laugh at me'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

25 Do not let them think, „Aha, just what we wanted!” or say, „We have swallowed him up.”

25NIV* Do not let them think, „Aha, just what we wanted!” or say, „We have swallowed him up.”

25BT* Niech nie pomyślą w swym sercu: <<Ha, tegośmy chcieli!>> Niechaj nie powiedzą:!<<Otośmy go pożarli>>.
25V* Non dicant in cordibus suis Euge, euge animae nostre, nec dicant: Devoravimus eum.
25ERV* Don’t let them think, „Aha! We got what we wanted!” Don’t let them say, „We destroyed him!”
(26ERV* Let my enemies be ashamed and embrarrased-all those who were happy about my troubles. )

What are some interesting facts about famous paintings? - Quora
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Let my enemies be ashamed and embrarrased-all those who were happy about my troubles.'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

26 May all whongloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion; may all who exalt themselves over me be clothed with shame and disgrace. 26NIV* May all who gloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion; may all who exalt themaelves over me be clothed with shame and diagrace.
26BT* Niech się zmieszają i wszyscy razem zawstydzą, co cieszą się z moich nieszczęść; niech się okryją wstydem i wzgardą, ktorzy przeciwko mnie się podnoszą.
26V* Erubescant et reverentur simul qui gratulantur melis meis; induantur confusione et reverentia qui magma loquuntur super me.
26ERV* Let my enemies be ashamed and embarrassed- all those who were happy about my troubles. Proud of themselves, they treated me as worthless. So let them be covered with shame and disgrace.

The Vow | Project Gutenberg
Schadenfreude - Wikipedia
Vincent van Gogh's Café Terrace at Night - A Closer Look
X-Rays And Infrared Reveal The Story Of The 1st Internationally Known Black  Painter | Georgia Public Broadcasting
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: \'Don’t let them think, \"Aha!Wegotwhatwewanted!\" Don’t let them say, \"Wedestroyedhim!\". The picture should include a \'mathematic version\' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from \'Also Spracht Zaratustra\' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche\'s book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc\'s Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: \'Don’t let them think, \"Aha!Wegotwhatwewanted!\" Don’t let them say, \"Wedestroyedhim!\". The picture should include a \'mathematic version\' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from \'Also Spracht Zaratustra\' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche\'s book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc\'s Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Let my enemies be ashamed and embarrassed- all those who were happy about my troubles. Proud of themselves, they treated me as worthless'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
The Paris Review - Ugliness Is Underrated: In Defense of Ugly Paintings
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Let my enemies be ashamed and embarrassed- all those who were happy about my troubles. Proud of themselves, they treated me as worthless. So let them be covered with shame and disgrace'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

27 May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, „The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.” 27NIV* May those who delight in my vidndication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, „The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.”
27BT* A sprzyjający mej sprawie niech się radują i cieszą, i mówią zawsze: <<Wielki jest Pan, który chce pomyślności swojego sługi>>.
27V* Exsultent et laetentur qui volunt justitiam meam; et dicant semper: Magnificetur Dominus, qui volum pacem servi ejus.
27ERV* To those who want the best for me, I wish them joy and happiness. May they always say,. „Praise the LORD, who wants what is best for his servant.”

Gustav Klimt Paintings, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'To those who want the best for me, I wish them joy and happiness. May they always say, “Praise the Lord, who wants what is best for his servant'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'To those who want the best for me, I wish them joy and happiness. May they always say, “Praise the Lord, who wants what is best for his servant'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

28 May tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long.

28NIV* My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long.
28BT* A język mój będzie głosił Twoją sprawiedliwość i nieustannie Twą chwałę.
28NIV* My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long.
28BT* A język mój będzie głosił Twoją sprawiedliwość i nieustannie Twą chwałę.

28V* Et linqua mea meditabitur justitiam tuam; tota die laudem tuam.
28ERV* So, Lord, I will tell people how good you are. I will praise you all day long.

I Will Praise You - ORIGINAL mixed media/ pastel on paper


Psalm 36

For the director of music. Of David the servant of the LORD.

NIV* For the director of music. Of David the servant of the LORD.

1 I have a message from God in my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: there is no fear of God before their eyes.

1NIV* I have a message from God in my heart

concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before their eyes.
PSLAM 36(35)
O przewrotności człowieka i o Bożej Opatrzności
1BT* Kierownikowi chóru. Dawida, sługi Pańskiego.
V* In finem. Servo Domini ipsi David.
To the director:” A song of David, the LORD’s servant.
36ERV* To the director: A song of David the LORD’s servant.

2BT* Nieprawość mówi do bezbożnika w głębi jego serca; bojaźni Boga nie ma przed jego oczyma.
2V* Dixit injustus ut deliquat in semetipso: non est timor Dei ante oculos ejus.
1ERV* Deep in the hearts of the wicked a voice tells them to do wrong. They have no respect for God.

A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Deep in the hearts of the wicked a voice tells them to do wrong. They have no respect for God'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'Deep in the hearts of the wicked a voice tells them to do wrong. They have no respect for God'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
The Painting Behind the Door - Tablet Magazine
File:Peter de Witte - King David's Song of Praise to God.jpg - Wikipedia
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'To the director: A song of David the LORD's servant'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'To the director: A song of David the LORD's servant'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'To the director: A song of David the LORD's servant'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

2 In their own eyes they flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin. 2NIV* In their own eyes they flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin.
2BT* 3* Bo jego własne oczy [zbyt] mu schlebiają, by znaleźć swą winę i ją znienawidzić.
3V* Quoniam dolose egit in conspectu ejus, ut inveniatur iniquitas ejus ad odium.
2ERV* They lie to themselves. They don’t see their own faults, so they are not sorry fro what they do.

A Poem (and a Painting) About the Suffering That Hides in Plain Sight - The  New York Times
Don't Feel Sorry for Vincent van Gogh | by Courtney Abruzzo | The Artist's  Mindset | Medium
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'They lie to themselves. They don’t see their own faults, so they are not sorry for what they do'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holy Bible: 'They lie to themselves. They don’t see their own faults, so they are not sorry for what they do'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, and motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, and artworks of Dorothea Tanning and with elements DNA and RNA and an element connected to Saint Paul Hermit and elements connected with longliving people and styles Marc's Chagall.

3 The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful; they fail to act wisely or do good. 3NIV* The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful;
3BT* Słowa jego ust to nieprawość i podstęp, zaniechał mądrości i czynienia dobrze.
4V* Verba oris ejus iniquitas, et dolus; noluit intelligence ut bene ageret.
3ERV* Their words are wicked lies. They have stopped doing anything wise or good.

World Famous Artists Who Were Detestable People In Reality
Henry Fuseli, The Nightmare
Masterpiece or Hot Mess? Here Are 7 Bad Paintings by Famous Artists

they fail to act wisely or do good.

Epictetus - Wikipedia

4 Even on their beds they plot evil;  they commit themselves to a sunful course and do not reject what is wrong. 4NIV* Even on their mouths are wicked and deceitful; they commit themselves to a sinful course and do not reject what is wrong.
5ERV* Na swoim łożu zamyśla nieprawość, wkracza na niedobrą drogę, nie stroni od złego.
5V* Iniquitatem meditatus est cubili suo; astiti omni non bpnae: malitiam austem non odivit.
4ERV* They make wicked plans in bed at night. They choose a way of life that does no good. And they never say no to anything evil.

(5ERV* LORD, your faithful love reaches to the sky. Your faithfulness is as high as the clouds.

Chaotic Compositions Disclose Pleasure and Perversion in Luisa Mè's  Artistry – Art Verge

5 Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.

5NIV* Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.
6BT* Łaskawość Twoja, Panie, dosięga nieba, a Twoja wierność samych obłoków.
6V* Domine, in caelo misericordia tua, et veritas tua
5ERV* LORD, your faithful love reaches to the sky. Your faithfulness is as high as the clouds.

6 Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, LORD, preserve both people and animals.

6NIV* Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,

your justice like great deep.

You, LORD, preserve both people and animals.
7BT* Twoja sprawiedliwość – jak nawyższe góry; Twoje wyroki – jak Wielka Otchłań: niesiesz, Panie, ocalenie ludziom i zwierzętom.
7V* Justa tua sicut mindes Dei; judica tua abyssus multa. Homines et jumenta salvabis, Domine.
6ERV* Your goodness is higher than the highest mountains. Your faithfulness is deeper then the deepest ocean.

7 How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take  refuge in the shadow of your wings.

7NIV* How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!

People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
8BT* Jak canna jest Twoja łaska, synowie ludzcy przychodzą do Ciebie, chronią się w cieniu Twych skrzydeł:
8V* quemadmondun multiplicastu misericodiamtyam, Deus. Filli autem homonem in tegmine alarum tuarum sperabunt.
7ERV* Nothing is more precious than your loving kindness.
All people can find protection close to you.

8 They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights.

8NIV* They feast on the abundance of your house;

you give them drink from your river of delights.
9BT* sycą się tłuszczem Twojego domu, poisz ich potokiem Twoich rozkoszy.
9V* Inebribuntur ab ubertate domus tuae, et torrente bolupataus tuae potibis eos:
8ERV* They get strength from all the good things in your house. You let them drink from your wonderful river.

Elizabeth Siddall, John Everett Millais's Ill-Fated Ophelia | Artsy
A digital picture in style nadczłowiek (ubermunch) - about a fragment of Holly Bible: 'They get strength from all the good things in your house. You let them drink from your wonderful river'. The picture should include a 'mathematic version' in style Cornelus Escher, motives from 'Also Spracht Zaratustra' in form Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motives from artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul Hermit, elements connected with longliving people, and styles of Marc Chagall.

9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your lightvwr see light.

9NIV* For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
10BT* Albowiem w Tobie jest źródło życia i w Twej światłości oglądamy światłość.
10V* quoniam apud te est fons vitae, et in lumine tuo videbimus lumen.
9ERV* The fountain of life flows from you. Your light lets us see light.

Fountain of Love Painting by Jana Parkes - Fine Art America
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The fountain of life flows from you. Your light lets us see light.'

10 Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousnes to the upright in heart.

10NIV* Continue your love to those who know you, your righteous to the upright in heart.
11Bt* Zachowaj łaskę Twą dla tych, co Ciebie znają, i sprawiedliwość twą dla prawych sercem!
11V* Praetenede misericordiam tuam scientibus te, et justitiam tuam his qui recto sunt corde.
10ERV* Continue to love those who really know you, and do good to those who are true to you.

Claude Monet Paintings, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Continue to love those who really know you, and do good to those who are true to you.'

11 May the foot of the proud not come against me, nor the hand of the wicked drive me away.

11NIV* May the foot of the proud not come against me, nor the hand of the wicked drive me away.
12BT* Niech mnie nie dogoni stopa pyszałka i ręka grzesznika niech mnie nie płoszy!
12V* Non veniat mihi pes superbiae, et manus peccatoris non moveat me.
11ERV* Don’t let proud people trap me. Don’t let thye wicked force me to run away.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Continue to love those who really know you, and do good to those who are true to you.'
The 25 Most Influential Works of American Protest Art Since ...
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Don’t let proud people trap me. Don’t let the wicked force me to run away.'

12 See how the evildoers lie fallen-thrown down, not able to rise!

12NIV* See how the evildiers lie fallen- throw down, not able to rise!
13BT* <Oto> czyniący nieprawość runęli: zostali powaleni i nie mogą powstać.
13V* Ibi cociderunt qui opernatur iniquitatem; explulsi sunt, nec potuerunt stare.
12ERV* Put this on their grave markers: „Here fell the wicked. They were crushed. They will never stand up again.”

The "Fountain of Life"; let's read an icon
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Put this on their grave markers: Here fell the wicked. They were crushed. They will never stand up again.'

Psalm 37 Of David NIV* Of David 1 Do not fret because of those who are evil ot be envious of those who do wrong; 1NIV* Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong;
PSAM 37(36)1BT* Los złych i dobrych
1 Dawidowy. Alef Nie unoś się gniewem z powodu złoczyńców ani nie zazdrość niesprawiedliwym,
A song of David.
37 ERV* Don’t get upset about evil people. Don’t be jealous of those who do wrong.
36 Psalmus ipsi David. Noli aemulari in malignantibus, neque zelaveris facientes iniquitatem:

A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Don't get upset about evil people. Don't be jealous of those who do wrong.'

2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.

2NIV* for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
2BT* bo znikną tak prędko jak trawa i zwiędną jak świeża zieleń.
2V* quoniam tamquam foenum velociter arescent, et quaemadmodum olea herbarum citi decident.
2ERV* They are like grass and other green plants that dry up quickly and then die.

Vincent van Gogh Paintings, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'They are like grass and other green plants that dry up quickly and then die.'

3 Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

3NIV* Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjou safe pasture.
Bet 3BT* Miej ufność w Panu i postępuj dobrze, mieszkaj w ziemi i zachowaj wierność.
3V* Spera in Domino, et dabit tibi petitiones cordi tui.
3ERV* So trust in the LORD and do good. Live on your land and be depndable.

In God We Trust - Painting - Liz Lemon Swindle | Havenlight –
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'So trust in the LORD and do good. Live on your land and be dependable.'

4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you desires of your heart.

4NIV* Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart/
4BT* Raduj się w Panu, a On spełni pragnienia twego serca.
4V* Delecte in Domino, et dabit tibi petitiones cordis tui.

(5V* Revela Domino viam tuam, et spera in eo, et ipse faciet.
4ERV* Enjoy serving the LORD, and he will give you whatever you ask for.

10 most famous artists of all time you must know about
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Enjoy serving the LORD, and he will give you whatever you ask for.'

5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:

5NIV* Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:
Gimel 5BT* Powierz Panu swoją drogę i zaufaj Mu; On sam będzie działał
5V* Revela Domino viam tuam, et spera in eo, et ipse faciet.
5ERV* Depend on the LORD. Trust in him, and he will help you.

Trust in Jesus Original Painting by Yongsung Kim features Jesus Christ and a  young girl sitting in a window lit by a lantern looking out at a sunset and  evening sky –
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Depend on the LORD. Trust in him, and he will help you.'

6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like noonday sun.

6NIV* He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
6BT* i sprawi, że twoja sprawiedliwość zabłyśnie jak światło, a słuszność twoja – jak południe.
6V* Et educet quasi lumen justitiam tuam, et judicium tuum tamquam meridiem.
6ERV* He will make it as clear as day that you are right. Everyone will see you are being fair.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'He will make it as clear as day that you are right. Everyone will see you are being fair.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Don't get upset about evil people. Don't be jealous of those who do wrong.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Depend on the LORD. Trust in him, and he will help you.'

7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.

7NIV* Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Dalet 7BT* Upokórz się przed Panem i Jemu zaufaj! Nie oburzaj się na tego, komu się szczęści w drodze, na człowieka, co obmyśla zasadzki.
7V* Subditus esto Domino, et ora eum. Noli aemulari in eo qui prosperatur in via sua; in homine aciente injustwitias.
7ERV* Trust in the LORD and wait quietly for his help. Don’t be angry when people make evil plans and succeed.

Abigail Nabal Dawid 1 Samuela 25 przedłożenie biblia biblijna
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Trust in the Lord and wait quietly for his help. Don’t be angry when people make evil plans and succeed.'

8 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil. 8NIV* Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil.
He 8EBT* Zaprzestań gniewu i porzuć zapalczywość; nie oburzaj się: to wiedzie tylko ku złemu.
8V* Desine ab ira, et derelinque furorem; noli aemulari ut maligneris.
8ERV* Don’t become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil.

Top Ten Worst Works by Famous Artists | DailyArt Magazine
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Don’t become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil.'

9 For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.

9NIV* For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.
9BT* Złoczyńcy bowiem wyginą, a ufający Panu posiądą ziemię.
9V* Quoniam qui malignantur exterminabuntur; sustinentes autem Dominum, ipsi haereditabunt terram.
9ERV* The wicked will be destroyed, but those who call to the LORD for help will get the land he promised.

Jheronimus Bosch and the Issue of Origins - Journal of Historians of  Netherlandish Art
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The wicked will be destroyed, but those who call to the Lord for help will get the land he promised.'

10 A little while, and the wicked will be no more; thiugh you look for them, they will not be found. 10NIV* A litte while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found.
Waw 10BT* Jeszcze chwila, a nie będzie przestępcy: spojrzysz na jego miejsce, a już go nie będzie.
10V* Et adhuc pusillum, et non erit peccator; et quaeres locum ejus, et non invenies.
10ERV* In a short time there will be no more evil people. You can look for them all you want, but they will be gone.

Infamous botched Jesus painting now a major tourist attraction
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'In a short time there will be no more evil people. You can look for them all you want, but they will be gone'

11 But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity. 11NIV* But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.
11BT* Natomiast pokorni posiądą ziemię i będą się rozkoszować wielkim pokojem.
11ERV* Humble people will get the land God promised, and they will enjoy peace.

The 800-year love affair between artists and Francis of Assisi
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Humble people will get the land God promised, and they will enjoy peace'

12 The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them;

12NIV* The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them;
12BT* Przeciw sprawiedliwemu zło knuje występny i zgrzyta na niego zębami.
(12BT* Złoczyńcy bowiem wyginą, a ufający Panu posiądą ziemię.
12V* Observabit peccator justum, et stridebit super eum dentibus suis.
12ERV* The wicked plan bad things for those who are good. They show their teeth in anger at them.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The wicked plan bad things for those who are good. They show their teeth in anger at them'
13 Paintings That Depict The Anger You Have Bottled Up - Cultura Colectiva

13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming. 13NIV* but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.
13BT* Pan śmieje się z niego, bo widzi, że jego dzień nadchodzi.
13V* Dominus autem irridebit eum, quoniam prospicit quod veniet dies ejus.
13ERV* But our Lord will laught at them. He will make sure they get what they deserve.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'But our Lord will laugh at them. He will make sure they get what they deserve'

14 The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright. 14NIV* The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright.
Chet 14BT* Występni dobywają miecza, łuk swój napinają, by powalić biedaka i nieszczęśliwego, by zabić tych, których droga jest prosta.
14V* Gladium evaginaverunt peccatores; intenderunt arcum suum: ut dejiciant pauperem et inopem, ut trucident rectors corde.
14ERV* The wicked draw their swords to kill the poor and the helpless. The aim their arrows to murder all who live right.

King Lear - Wikipedia
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'the wicked draw their swords to kill the poor and the helpless. They aim their arrows to murder all who live right'

15 But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.

A Sword Will Pierce Your Own Heart Also | VCS

15NIV* But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.
15BT* Ich miecz przeszyje własne ich serca, a ich łuki zostaną złamane.
15V* Gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum, et arcus eorum confringatur.
15ERV* But their bows will break, and their swords will pierce their own hearts.

A Sword Will Pierce Your Own Heart Also | VCS
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'But their bows will break, and their swords will pierce their own hearts'

16 Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked;

16NIV* Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked;
Tet 16BT* Lepsza jest odrobina, którą ma sprawiedliwy, niż wielkie bogactwo występnych,
16V* Melius est modicum justo, super divitias peccatorum multas:
16ERV* A few good people are better than a large crowd of those who are evil.

It's the painting the web is abuzz about - but what does it mean | Art |  The Guardian
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'A few good people are better than a large crowd of those who are evil'

17 for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the LORD upholds the righteous.

17NIV* for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the LORD upholds the righteous.
17BT* bo ramiona występnych będą połamane, a sprawiedliwych Pan podtrzymuje.
17V* quoniam brachia peccatorum conterentur: confirmat autem justos Dominus.
17ERV* The wicked will be destroyed, but the LORD cares for those who are good.

The Last Judgement', John Martin, 1853 | Tate
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The wicked will be destroyed, but the Lord cares for those who are good'

18 The blameless spend their days under the LORD’s care, and their inheritance will endure forever.18NIV* The blameles spend their days under the LORD’s care, and their inheritance will endure forever.
Jod 18BT* Pan zna dni nienagannych, a ich dziedzictwo trwać będzie na wieki;
18V* Novit Dominus dies immaculatorum, et haereditas eorum in aeternum erit.
18ERV* The LORD protects pure people all their life. Their reward will continue forever.

Heavenly art | Culture | The Guardian
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The Lord protects pure people all their life. Their reward will continue forever'

19 In times disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.

19NIV* In times od disaster they will not wither; in days od famine they will enjoy plenty.
19BT* w czasie klęski nie zaznają wstydu, a we dni głodu będą syci.
19V* Non confundentur in tempore malo, et in diebus famis saturabuntur:
19ERV* When trouble comes, good people will not be destoyed. When times of hunger come, good people will have plenty to eat.

25 Famed Artworks That Have Been Vandalized, from Mona Lisa to Van Gogh –
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'When trouble comes, good people will not be destroyed. When times of hunger come, good people will have plenty to eat.'

20 But the wicked will perish: Though the LORD’s enemies are like the flowers of the field, they will be consumed, they will go up in smoke. 20NIV* But the wicked will perish;

Though the LORD’s enemies are like the flowers of the field, they will be consumed, they will go up in smoke.
Kaf 20BT* Występni natomiast poginą, wrogowie Pana jak krasa łąk zwiędną, jak dym się rozwieją.
20V* quia peccatores peribunt. Inimici vero Domini mox ut honorificati fuerinit et exaltati, deficintes quemadomondum fumus deficient.
20ERV* But evil people are the LORD’s enemies, and they will be destroyed. Their valleys will dry up and burn. They will be destroyed completely.

The Salvation of the Lord —
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'But evil people are the Lord’s enemies, and they will be destroyed. Their valleys will dry up and burn. They will be destroyed completely'

21 The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously; 21NIV* The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously;
Lamed 21BT* Występny pożycza, ale nie zwraca, a sprawiedliwy lituje się i obdarza.
21V* Mutuabitur peccator, et non solvet; justus autem miseretur et tribuet:
21ERV* The wicked borrow money and never pay it back. But good people are kind and generous.

The unforgiving servant parable ….
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The wicked borrow money and never pay it back. But good people are kind and generous'

22 those the LORD blesses will inherit the land, but those he curses will be destroyed. 22NIV* those the LORD blesses will inherit the land, but those he cures will be destroyed.
22BT* Błogosławieni przez Pana posiądą ziemię, przeklęci przez Niego będą wyniszczeni.
22V* quia benedicentes ei haereditabunt terram; maledicentes autem ei disperibunt.
(21ERV* Mutuabitur peccator, et non solvet; justus autem miseretur et tribuet:
22ERV* Everyone the Lord bless will get the land he promised. Everyone he curses will be destroyed.

Balak (Destroyer): Discover God's Blessings for Israel When Others Try to  Curse Her | Messianic Bible

Balak (Destroyer): Discover God's Blessings for Israel When Others Try to  Curse Her | Messianic Bible
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Everyone the Lord blesses will get the land he promised. Everyone he curses will be destroyed'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Everyone the Lord blesses will get the land he promised. Everyone he curses will be destroyed'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Everyone the Lord blesses will get the land he promised. Everyone he curses will be destroyed'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'Everyone the Lord blesses will get the land he promised. Everyone he curses will be destroyed'

23 The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; 23NIV* The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;
Mem 23BT* Pan umacnia kroki człowieka w jego drodze ma upodobanie.

(23BT* Błogosławieni przez Pana posiądą ziemię, przeklęci przez Niego będą wyniszczeni.
23V* Apud Dominum gressus hominis dirigentur, et viam ejus violet.
23ERV* The LORD shows us how we should live, and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.

Arcimboldo Vertumnus
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The Lord shows us how we should live, and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The Lord shows us how we should live, and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, and styles of Marc Chagall. The fragment is: 'The Lord shows us how we should live, and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'The Lord shows us how we should live, and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'The Lord shows us how we should live, and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'The Lord shows us how we should live, and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.'

24 though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. 24NIV* though he may strumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds hiw with his hand.
24BT* A choćby upadł, to nie będzie leżał, bo rękę jego Pan podtrzymuje.
24V* Cum ceciderit, non collidetur, quia Dominus supponit manum suam.
24ERV* If they stumble, they will not fall, because the LORD reaches out steady them.

In Luxury, Look Out by Jan Steen – my daily art display
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'If they stumble, they will not fall, because the Lord reaches out to steady them.'

25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. 25NIV* I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.
Nun 25BT* Bylem dzieckiem i jestem już starcem, a nie widziałem sprawiedliwego w opuszczeniu ani potomstwa jego, by o chleb żebrało.
25V* Junior fui, etenim senui; et non vidi justum derelictum, nec semen ejus quaerens panem.
25ERV* I was young, and now I am old, but I have never seen good people left with no one to help them; I have never seen their children begging for food.

The most famous paintings in the world, ranked
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'I was young, and now I am old, but I have never seen good people left with no one to help them; I have never seen their children begging for food.'

26 They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessing.

26NIB* They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessing.
26BT* Lituje się on w każdym czasie i pożycza; potomstwo jego stanie się błogosławieństwem.
{2024-01-25 Eckart D. }
26V* Tota die miseretur et commodat; et semen illus in benedictione erit.
26ERV* They are kind and generous, and their children are a blessing.

Jacob Blessing the Children of Joseph by REMBRANDT Harmenszoon van Rijn
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'They are kind and generous, and their children are a blessing.'

27 Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever. 27NIV* Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever.
Samek 27BT* Odstąp od złego, czyń dobro, abyś mógł mieszkać na wieki,
27V* Declina a malo, et fac bonum, et inhabita in saeculum saeculi:
27ERV* Stop doing anything evil and do good, and you will always have a place to live.

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik', Dorothea Tanning, 1943 | Tate
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'Stop doing anything evil and do good, and you will always have a place to live.'

28 For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. Wrongdoers will be comletely destroyed; the offspring of the wicked will perish. 28NIV* For the LORD loves the just and will nit forsake his faithful ones. Wrongders will be completely destoryed; the offspring of the wicked will perish.
28BT* bo Pan miłuje sprawiedliwość i nie opuszcza swych świętych;
nikczemni wyginą, a potomstwo występnych będzie wytępione.
28V* quia Dominus amat judicium, et non derelinquet sanctos suos: in aeternum conservabuntur. Injusti punientur, et semen impriorum peribit.
28ERV* The LORD loves what is right, and he will never leave his followers without help. He will always protect them, but he will destroy the families of the wicked.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'The LORD loves what is right, and he will never leave his followers without help. He will always protect them, but he will destroy the families of the wicked.'
The True Story of St Christopher
Żydowska panna młoda Rembrandta. Kliknij tutaj, aby zobaczyć pełny obraz.
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'The LORD loves what is right, and he will never leave his followers without help.'

29 The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.

29NIV* The righteous will inherit the land and dweel in it forever.
29BT* Sprawiedliwi posiądą ziemię i będą mieszkać na niej na zawsze. Pe
29V* Justi autem haereditabunt terram, et inhabitabunt in saeculum saeculi super eam.
29ERV* Good people will get the land God promised and will live on it forever.

The Raft Of The Medusa - Theodore Gericault — aengusart
A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'Good people will get the land God promised and will live on it forever.'

30 The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just.

30NIV* The mouths of righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just.
Pe 30BT* Usta sprawiedliwego głodzą mądrość i język jego mówi to, co słuszne.
30V* Os justi meditabitur sapentiam, et lingua ejsu loquetur judicium.
30ERV* Those who do what is right give good advice. Their decisions are always fair.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermensch, inspired by a fragment of the Holy Bible, with a mathematical version in the style of Cornelius Escher. The picture should include motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Ubermensch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the Bible's persona David's woman Abishag. The fragment is: 'Those who do what is right give good advice. Their decisions are always fair.'. Obraz 4 z 4

31 The law of their God is in their hearts; their feet do not slip. 31NIV* The law od their God is in their hearts; their feet do not slip.
31BT* Prawo jego Boga jest w jego sercu, a jego kroki się nie zachwieją.
31V* Lex Dei ejus in corde ipsius, et non supplantabuntur gressus ejus.
31ERV* They have learned God’s teachings, and they will never stop living right.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'They have learned God’s teachings, and they will never stop living right.'

David Paintings, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory

32 The wicked lie in wait for the righteous, intent on putting them to death; 32NIV* The wicked lie in wait for the righteous, intent on putting them death;
Sade 32BT* Występny czatuje na sprawiedliwego i usiłuje go zabić,
(32BT* lecz Pan nie zostawia go w jego ręku i nie pozwala skazać, go przed sądem.
32V* Considerat peccator justum, et quaerit mortificare eum.
32ERV* The wicked are always looking for ways to kill good people.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'The wicked are always looking for ways to kill good people.'

6 Killer Caravaggio Paintings: Behind The Work of a Murderer

33 but the LORD will not leave them in the power of the wicked or let them be condemned when brought to trial. 33NIV* but the LORD will nit leave them in the power of the wicked or let them be conened when brought to trial.
33BT* lecz Pan nie zostawia go w jego ręku i nie pozwala skazać, gdy stanie przed sądem.
33V* Dominus autem non derelinquet eum in manibus ejus, nec damnabit eum cum judicabitur illi.
33ERV* But the LORD will not let the wicked defeat them. He will not let good people be judged guilty.

About morality and the Emperor... : r/BaldursGate3
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'But the Lord will not let the wicked defeat them. He will not let good people be judged guilty.'

34 Hope in the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it. 34NIV* Hope in the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are destoryed, you will see it.
Kof 34BT* Miej nadzieję w Panu i strzeż Jego drogi, a On cię wyniesie, abyś posiadł ziemię; zobaczysz zagładę występnych.
34V* Exspecta Dominum, et custodi viam ejus, et exaltabit te ut haerediatet capies terram: cum perirint peccatores, videbis.
34ERV* Do what the LORD says, and wait for his help. He will reward you and give you the land he promised. You will see the wicked being forced to leave.

A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'Do what the Lord says, and wait for his help. He will reward you and give you the land he promised. You will see the wicked being forced to leave.'

Thomas Malory: Le Morte d'Arthur – An Open Companion to Early British  Literature

35 I have seen a wicked and ruthless man flourishing like a luxuriant native tree,

35NIV* I have seen a wicked and ruthless man flourishing like a luxuriant native tree,
Resz 35BT* Widziałem, jak występny się pysznił i rozpierał się jak cedr zielony.
35V* Vidi impium euperexaltatum, et elevatum sicut cedros Libani:
35ERV* I once saw a wicked man who was powerful. He was like a strong , healthy tree.

The Garden of Earthly Delights - Wikipedia
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'I once saw a wicked man who was powerful. He was like a strong, healthy tree.'

36 but he soon passed away and was no more; though I looked for him, he could not be found. 36NIV* but he soon passed away and was no more; though I looked for him, he could not be found.
36BT* Przeszedłem obok, a już go nie było; szukałem go, lecz nie można było go znaleźć.
36V* et transivit, et ecce non erat; et quaesivi eum, et non est inventus locus ejus.
36ERV* But then he was gone. I looked for him, but I could not find him.

They Did Not Expect Him by Ilya Repin - Famous Russian Art - Handmade Oil  Painting on Canvas — Canvas Paintings
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'But then he was gone. I looked for him, but I could not find him.'

37 Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek prace. 36NIV* Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace.
Szin 37BT* Strzeż uczciwości, przypatruj się prawości, bo w końcu osiągnie [ten] człowiek pomyślność.
37V* Custodi innocentiam, et vide aequitatem, quoniam sunt reliquiae homini pacifico.
37ERV* Be pure and honest. Peace loving people will have many descendants.

The many faces of Pablo Picasso | Pablo Picasso | The Guardian
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'Be pure and honest. Peace loving people will have many descendants.'

38 But all sinners will be destroyed; there will be no future for the wicked.

38NIV* But all sinners will be destoryed; there will be no future for the wicked.
38BT* Wszyscy zaś grzesznicy będą wyniszczeni, potomstwo występnych wyginie.
38V* Injusti autem deisperibunt simul; reliquiae impiroum interibunt.
38ERV* But those who break the law will be destoryed completely. And their descendants will be forced to leave the land.

New York law on Nazi-looted art aims to shine light on lesser-known  Holocaust evil | The Times of Israel
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected to Saint Paul the Hermit, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'But those who break the law will be destroyed completely. And their descendants will be forced to leave the land.'

39 The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronhold in time of trouble. 39NIV* The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is theie stronghold in time of trouble:
Taw 39BT* Zbawienie sprawiedliwych pochodzi od Pana; On ich ucieczką w czasie utrapienia.
39V* Salus autem justorum a Domino; et protector eorum in tempore tribulationis.
39ERV* The LORD saves those who are good. When they have troubles, he is their strength.

Liberty Leading the People by E. Delacroix | Painting & Analysis - Video &  Lesson Transcript |
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'The Lord saves those who are good. When they have troubles, he is their strength.'

40 The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him. 40NIV* The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.
40BT* Pan ich wspomaga, wyzwala; wyzwala ich od występnych i zachowuje, do Niego bowiem się uciekają.
40V* Et adjuvabit eos Dominus, et liberabit eos; et eruet eos a peccatoribus, et salvabit eos, qua speraverunt in eo.
40ERV* The LORD helps good people and rescues them. They depend on him, so he rescues them from the wicked.

Nothing Else Than Decay: Theodoor van der Schuer's Allegory of Human  Deprivation for Leiden's Plague Hospital - Journal of Historians of  Netherlandish Art
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'The Lord helps good people and rescues them. They depend on him, so he rescues them from the wicked.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'The Lord helps good people and rescues them. They depend on him, so he rescues them from the wicked.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'The Lord helps good people and rescues them. They depend on him, so he rescues them from the wicked.'
A digital picture in the style of Ubermunch, depicting a fragment of the Holy Bible. The picture should also include a 'mathematical version' in the style of Cornelus Escher, motifs from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' in the form of Uberminch from Nietzsche's book, motifs from the artworks of Dorothea Tanning, elements of DNA and RNA, elements connected with long-living people, styles of Marc Chagall, and the biblical persona of David's woman, Abishag. The fragment is: 'The Lord helps good people and rescues them. They depend on him, so he rescues them from the wicked.'